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Research Faculty of Geosciences



ICS DB Modules

Women+ in Science Endeavor
Information Faculty of Science

Video-on-Demand Research Methods
Research Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Ecologies of Violence: Crimes Against Nature in the Contemporary Cultural Imagination

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Innovatie In Taaldiagnostiek En Behandeling

Zie Elkaar
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Waterscape Copy
Research Faculty of Geosciences


Website and blog about the project Interpsy: Psychology, Criminal Interrogation and the Impact of Knowledge, 1880-1940
Research | Blog Faculty of Humanities

Jong en Betrokken
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Manuals New

Dramaturgy For Devices

Robots are increasingly part of our daily lives. They help provide medical care, care for our homes and gardens, and support education and the workplace. They are increasingly able to perform simple tasks and convey messages, but they also lack many skills needed for interaction and communication. 'Dramaturgy for Devices' will develop these skills in collaboration with theater and dance makers. We will show how the performing arts can contribute to innovative design tools and methods, and show the value of the skills and knowledge of theater practice for technological innovation.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Geosciences

GeoLab - centralized lab facility at the Faculty of Geosciences
Research | Information Faculty of Geosciences

DDD17 Conference: The Politics of Death
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Cancer Metabolism

Qualitative Methods for Studying Innovation
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Uchild (Ukranian Children Learning Dutch)

Study Of Interdisciplinarity In Education And Research

The Parenting Project
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

ANIMA 2024

EPIS Workshop 2024

After Stockholm, Sweden (GeoProc2003), Nanjing, China (GeoProc2006), Lille, France (GeoProc2008), Perth, Western Australia (GeoProc2011), Utah, United States (GeoProc2015), and Paris, France (GeoProc2017), the 7th GeoProc will take place in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands, on 3-5 July 2019.
Conference Faculty of Geosciences

PUBSIC 2025: Public Innovation for Societal Transformation
Conference Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Gebouwen Slavernijverleden

Achaemenid Central Asia
Faculty of Humanities

The Reception Of The Seleucids
Faculty of Humanities

The Hellenistic Empires
Faculty of Humanities

The Imperial City
Faculty of Humanities

WAOP conference 2024
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Kirkos: Academic Study of Magic and Ritual

Utrecht University Hydrogen Initiative
Research Faculty of Geosciences

6-9 OCTOBER 2025, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Robot in het gezin
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

The Dutch Global Age: Worldly Images And Images Of The World In Netherlandish Art
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Science

Digitale Onderzoeksvaardigheden

Versterk je digitale onderzoeksvaardigheden
Faculty of Science

Business In Transition Network
Faculty of Humanities

Utrecht Photovoltaic Outdoor Test facility
Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Geosciences

History and Philosophy of Physics in the Netherlands

Collected information about academic history, philosophy and foundations of physics taking place in the Netherlands: research, courses, scholars, events and jobs.
Research Faculty of Science

FSBS Network for Qualitative Research
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

DUALNETS - Dual identifiers as bridges in social networks
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

DATA ALLY: Agency, Logics, LegitimacY of business-to-government data sharing for societal challenges
Research Faculty of Geosciences

FSBS Privacy & Data Management

The privacy and data management support page for the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Here you will find information and guidelines on working with personal data and GDPR compliance. This information is specifically tailored to researchers at this faculty, and as such may differ in some respects from institutional policy at the university.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Breaking down barriers
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Grass Roots Resilience, Security Governance, and Urbanism in Latin American Violent Cities
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Digitaal Toetsen
Documentation Corporate UU

Research Faculty of Geosciences

REWIRE - Leveraging new collaborations for circular agriculture missions
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Poetry in the Age of Global English
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Research | Information Faculty of Science

Development & Cultural Diversity
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Voices of resistance in and against Dutch empire
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Geosciences

Research Other

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Utrecht Data Science Community
Information Faculty of Science

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Fetal Calf Serum (FCS, also known as Fetal Bovine Serum, or FBS) is a common supplement of animal cell culture media. However, moral and scientific concerns demonstrate the urgency to switch to an FCS-free medium. The FCS-free Database (RRID:SCR_018769), part of the 3Rs Database Programme, provides an overview of FCS-free media for cell-culture.
Documentation Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Dutch Clinical NLP Workshop
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Fetal Calf Serum-free Database

Fetal Calf Serum (FCS, also known as Fetal Bovine Serum, or FBS) is a common supplement of animal cell culture media. However, moral and scientific concerns demonstrate the urgency to switch to an FCS-free medium. The FCS-free Database (RRID:SCR_018769), part of the 3Rs Database Programme, provides an overview of FCS-free media for cell-culture.
Documentation Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Geosciences

A Critical Response to Critical Concepts for the Creative Humanities (Van der Tuin & Verhoeff, 2022)
Faculty of Humanities

SASTA: Semi-Automatische SpontaneTaalAnalyse
Research Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Geosciences

Interspecies Database
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Improvised Music and Decolonisation
Faculty of Humanities

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijking – NVVR
Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Castle Meeting
Conference Faculty of Geosciences | Faculty of Humanities

Just Transitions
Faculty of Humanities

International Conference on Computational Finance ---ICCF24 --- organised in CWI, Amsterdam, 2-5 April 2024
Faculty of Science

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Science

Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2024
Conference Corporate UU | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Computational Linguistics
Faculty of Humanities

Teaching and learning collection

This database is a digital place to find and share results and knowledge from educational innovation projects. It also offers you didactic information to develop and innovate your teaching. We hope you will benefit from it! The database will continuously be updated and new content will be added.
Documentation Corporate UU

Utrecht Game Lab
Information Faculty of Humanities

PEACE – Portal of Epigraphy, Archaeology, Conservation and Education on Jewish Funerary Culture

When studying the history of a people one may learn a myriad of details from the ways in which they chose to remember—and consequently immortalize—their dead. These details, best summarized by the term “funerary culture”, are found at the heart of this initiative. Our project focuses on Jewish funerary culture through the ages, and particularly its epigraphical aspects: the inscriptions recorded on stone, plaster, or gold-glass.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

Het FLY-project
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Regels en Authoriteit bij Leerlingen en Leraren (REALL-talk)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Membranes, Lipids and Proteins in Organelle Biogenesis - Spetses, Greece 2024
Conference Faculty of Science

Expertisepunt Rekenen-Wiskunde
Blog | Information Faculty of Science

European Geothermal Workshop 2023
Conference Faculty of Geosciences

Research Network for Culture, Law and the Body
Faculty of Humanities

Projects: Geosciences Honours College
Faculty of Geosciences

Historicidagen 2024

De Historicidagen 2024 worden van 22 tot en met 24 augustus in Maastricht gehouden, op initiatief van het KNHG in samenwerking met de Universiteit Maastricht. Dit jaar is het thema Ongedisciplineerde Geschiedenis. Drie dagen vol inspirerende lezingen, debatten en workshops over alle mogelijke aspecten van geschiedbeoefening nu, voor alle historici: studenten, docenten, onderzoekers, historici werkzaam in archieven, musea, erfgoed, zzp-ers, kunsthistorici en publiekshistorici.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Centre for Flow cytometry
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Het effect van PRT op prosodische entrainment in kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Glossary of Early Modern Popular Print Genres
Corporate UU

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Cultures of Adaptation Network (CAN)
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Co-Teach Informatica

Informatica aanbieden zonder vakdocent informatica.
Information Faculty of Science

Samen Veerkrachtig Ouderschap
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Centre for Digital Humanities

The Centre for Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary centre for research and education in computational and data-driven methods in the humanities; it consists of three groups: - Research Software Lab - Data School - ILS Labs These groups are supported by a team of IT specialists, providing a wide range of infrastructure services: - Humanities IT Corpora, platforms, tailored advice and a physical workplace for Digital Humanities can be found at: - Utrecht Library – Digital Humanities Support
Research | Blog | Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities


Dit statusoverzicht toont grote storingen, onderhoudswerkzaamheden en bekende problemen rondom universitaire IT voorzieningen.
Documentation Corporate UU

Minding the Gap
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


It is a project funded by the European Union in the Horizon Europe program. This research project aims to understand better to what extent European citizens draw boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’ and to what extent they are willing to acknowledge that inequalities are rooted in structural injustice. RAISE is led by a consortium of nine European partners.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Information Faculty of Humanities

ArtLab / KunstLab
Faculty of Humanities

Research | Information Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Geosciences Honours College

Deze website biedt nieuws en informatie over het Geo Honours Programme. Deze worden gepost door studenten en docenten verbonden aan het programma.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Progic 2023
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Geosciences

Nexusing Water, Energy and Food to Increase Resilience in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area
Research | Documentation | Information Faculty of Geosciences

SoundStart: Prosodic development before birth and in the first three years of life
Faculty of Humanities

NADIYA collaborative research on circumstances impacting health in displaced people from Ukraine in the Netherlands
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Lettercraft in Early Medieval Europe, 476–751 CE
Faculty of Humanities

Veterinary Oncology Group - OnGo
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Weaponization of the Environment Conference 2023
Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

TCS Kernpakketten kiezerssite (2023-2024)

Site wordt nu geactualiseerd voor 2019-2020
Information Faculty of Humanities

ESMEE - Enabling Societal Missions through Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Frans Lees- en Luistermateriaal
Faculty of Humanities

Optimal Proofs
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Geosciences

Translation Mining
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Kansrijk Lesgeven: Interacties in de Klas (KLIK)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Nightingale Studie
Research Faculty of Science

Virtual Reality as Empathy Machine: Media, Migration and the Humanitarian Predicament
Research Faculty of Humanities

The Missing Entrepreneurs
Faculty of Humanities

Dynamics of Youth community platform
Information Corporate UU | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

EDITS Project
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Combating Toxicity, Harassment, and Abuse in Online Social Spaces: A Workshop at CHI 2023
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Geosciences

International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2023
Faculty of Geosciences

Platform work – and its regulations (PlatWork-R)
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Intention & Intervention
Research | Blog Faculty of Humanities

Combating Toxicity, Hate, and Harassment in Online Games: A Workshop at FDG 2023
Faculty of Science

Experimental Linguistics Talks
Faculty of Humanities

Holocaust Diplomacy: The Global Politics of Memory and Forgetting

After 1945, the memory of the Holocaust made its way into diplomatic exchanges. Mentions of the Holocaust became frequent, both in bilateral and multilateral diplomatic settings. But how and why did this happen, and with what consequences? This project blends an international history perspective with memory studies approaches to examine the involvement of national, transnational, and international actors in shaping the international politics of Holocaust memory at crucial historical junctures. Challenging the traditional emphasis of the scholarship on Holocaust memory on ‘methodological nationalism’; and pointing to the silence of works on International Relations regarding the Holocaust and its legacy; this project focuses on a variety of actors and international arenas to analyze the process of Holocaust memory transmission within bilateral and multilateral diplomatic settings. The project is led by Dr Lorena De Vita, a historian of international relations and global diplomacy and an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University. She wrote her PhD on the onset of German-Israeli reconciliation in the aftermath of the Holocaust at Aberystwyth University (UK) and was awarded, amongst others, a Foreign Ministry Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Richard Koebner Minerva Center for the Study of German History). She is the author of Israelpolitik: German-Israeli Relations 1949-1969 published by Manchester University Press in 2020. Within the framework of this project, she analyses how the traumatic past resurfaces in international diplomatic settings and puts a special focus on the second half of the 20th century until the present.
Research Faculty of Humanities


PETRA-E aims to set up a European infrastructure for the education and training of literary translators. The first step is to develop a Framework for Literary Translation, based on the experiences of translators and trainers. The Framework will be completed and made available by July 2016.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities | Other

International Study Group on the relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics
Faculty of Science

Faculteitsraad FSW
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Met CodeTaal kunnen kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) Engels leren op een interactieve manier. De lessen bestaan uit spellen waarbij het Nederlands wordt gebruikt als referentietaal. Op deze manier kunnen leerlingen hun kennis van het Nederlands inzetten als een bouwsteen bij het leren van Engels. Door Engels en Nederlands met elkaar te vergelijken ontwikkelen de leerlingen taalbewustzijn.
Faculty of Humanities

Fort Hoofddijk Manuals
Faculty of Geosciences

Sidrik studie

Het SIDRIK project richt zich op het implementeren van sick day adviezen in de eerstelijns zorg om uitdroging en acute nierschade bij patiënten met een verminderde nierfunctie te voorkomen.
Faculty of Science

2023 BCCE Annual Conference Utrecht
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

JEDi - Juveniles, Equality and Digitalization
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Op weg naar Weerbaarheid in Lezen (WiL)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Ethics Review Board – Faculties of Science and Geosciences

Here you can find more information about the Ethics Review Board of the faculties of Science and Geosciences of Utrecht University.
Information Faculty of Science

Natural Language and Text Processing Lab
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Air quality HPT-lab

De verrassende Middeleeuwen
Faculty of Humanities

Interpsy: Psychology, Criminal Interrogation and the Impact of Knowledge, 1880-1940

Website and blog about the project Interpsy: Psychology, Criminal Interrogation and the Impact of Knowledge, 1880-1940
Research | Blog Faculty of Humanities


Het onderzoeksprogramma NWA-LOSS (Living on Soft Soils, gefinancierd vanuit de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda) wordt uitgevoerd door een breed consortium van universiteiten, onderzoeksinstituten en maatschappelijke partners in Nederland.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Open Research Notebook
Faculty of Science

Proof-theoretic and algebraic aspects of (intuitionistic) modal logics
Faculty of Humanities

Toezicht met Gezag

Hoe kunnen we publiek gezag van inspecties begrijpen, wat zijn voor publiek gezag bepalende factoren en wat kunnen toezichthouders doen om hun publiek gezag te vergroten?
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Adviesraad gezondheid voor iedereen
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Natuurkunde Olympiade Junior
Information Faculty of Science

Discovering Europe through Early Modern Literature
Faculty of Humanities

Changemaking Journeys
Faculty of Geosciences | Faculty of Science

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Jenseits der Deiche. Konflikte der Abgrenzung - Utrecht 2023
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Expertisecentrum Genetica Diergeneeskunde
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Thevenon Research Group
Faculty of Science

University Colleges
Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Romeinen aan de Rijnmond
Faculty of Humanities

Unsettling Pieces
Faculty of Humanities

Onderzoek naar luchtkwaliteit en beleving leefomgeving in agrarisch gebied
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Professor J.Th.G. Overbeek 1911 - 2007
Faculty of Science

The Cosmos Project
Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

hybride vergaderen
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Workshop on Proofs and Formalization in Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities

Vision Your Voice
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Neerlandistiekdagen 2023
Faculty of Humanities

Teachers' Guide | Graduate School of Life Sciences

Here you find all information for supervisors and teachers within the Master's domain of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS).
Information Faculty of Science

Applied History

Conference Faculty of Humanities

Regenerative Orthopedics

Website of the Regenerative Orthopedics research group at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The group is headed by Prof. Marianna Tryfonidou and focusses on musculoskeletal diseases in animals and humans.
Research Corporate UU | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

21st International Conference on Business Process Management
Conference Faculty of Science

Imaginary Utrecht
Conference Faculty of Science

Co-designing a fair digital asylum procedure
Research Faculty of Humanities

Eco Hive UU
Faculty of Humanities

Academy of Hope
Faculty of Geosciences

Utrecht Meteorite Lab
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Copernicus Land Change Lab
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Mission-oriented Innovation Policy Observatory
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

UU Inclusive Teaching Toolbox
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Blog jeugdstudies
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Special Interest Group on Sustainable Behaviour
Faculty of Geosciences

Debye Institute Projects
Documentation Faculty of Science

Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Minorities and Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities

Plant science research and education at Utrecht University
Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Science

Compositional vector-based semantics for Dutch
Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Humanities

Utrecht Autumn Workshop Proof Theory
Faculty of Science

Posthumus Conference 2024 (Leeuwarden, 23-24 May)
Faculty of Humanities

Boren met Bijl
Blog Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Science

Protein Transition
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Empowering Human Autonomy
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Inclusive Cities and Global Urban Transformation
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Following Frontiers of the Forest City
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Blog | Information Faculty of Geosciences

Provinzentjudung: Local Dynamics and the Holocaust in the Netherlands (1925-1950)
Faculty of Humanities

Skills Earth Sciences

Skills Earth Sciences
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Calibrated and in Control
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

1st Workshop on Ethical, Social and Environmental Accounting of Conferences: the case of RCIS 2022
Conference Faculty of Science

ACES 2022: The Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Law and Ethics of Neurotechnology in Criminal Justice (LENC)
Research Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Lili's Proto Lab

Lili’s Proto Lab (LPL) is a place for you to test your creative ideas and materialize them into a working prototype.
Blog Faculty of Science

Problemshifting Database
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Responsible ICT
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Data Archive Geo (DAG)

Datahub SSH

The DataHub SSH programme is a joint initiative by research theme Institutions for Open Societies (IOS) and the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH), to stimulate the development and deployment of digital research infrastructures. For both IOS and CDH, interdisciplinary research lies at the core of their activities.
Research | Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

Solar Geo Engineering Forum
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Literature in the Postcolony
Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

Geo Honours City of the Future
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Corporate UU

Collaborative Planning
Research Faculty of Geosciences


Dit is tekst
Information Faculty of Science

Princetonplein Muziekfestijn
Information Faculty of Science

Het Wonder van Sint-Maarten
Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Grote Rekendag
Blog Faculty of Science

Exposoom Panelstudie
Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Utrecht Parallel Corpus
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Fachdidaktik DaF
Faculty of Humanities

COmpeting and COmplementary MObility solutions in urban contexts (COCOMO)
Faculty of Geosciences

Map Your Hero(ine)

Mapping the representation of hero(in)es in fiction and their adaptations.
Information Faculty of Humanities

UU Handleidingen

Handleidingen voor IT diensten van de Universiteit Utrecht die beschikbaar zijn gesteld voor alle medewerkers en studenten.
Documentation Corporate UU

Save the tiger! Save the Grasslands! Save the Water!
Faculty of Geosciences

Mediating Sustainable Cities
Faculty of Humanities

TWIN Hemera 2021
Research | Blog Faculty of Science

Geography Data Resources
Faculty of Geosciences

SIG 5 Learning and Development in Early Childhood Conference 2022
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

I Belong Here: Supporting First-Generation Students
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Social and Affective Computing
Research Faculty of Science

Start Nuu!
Faculty of Science | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Wiskunde OverLeg (WOL)
Information Faculty of Science

Diversity Project HPS

Archive created by the HPS Diversity Committee
Information Faculty of Science
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Research Faculty of Science | Other

Stagebank master Neuropsychology
Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

An Interactive Guide to Chaos for Dummies
Faculty of Humanities

Decolonizing Sustainability Study Group

We study postcolonial structures in global change science, civil society, and governance. Our aim is decolonization of sustainability discourses. Based at Utrecht University - global in scope.
Research | Blog | Information Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

European Human Exposome Network conference 2021
Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Restored Flooding for Living Deltas
Faculty of Geosciences

RMA History Blog

Academische Vaardigheden Historici
Faculty of Humanities

Migrazioni al plurale
Corporate UU

Travel Guide Honours
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment - VHP4Safety
Research Other

Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Research group Biogeomorphology of Rivers and Estuaries PI Maarten Kleinhans
Faculty of Geosciences

PROBLEMSHIFTING: a research programme on the complex dynamics of problem-shifting in global environmental governance
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Blog Faculty of Science

Information Faculty of Humanities

HIERON: Network for the Study of Greek Sanctuaries
Faculty of Humanities

Upholding Human Rights in a Pandemic: the Social Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Vulnerable Families in Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten
Research Faculty of Geosciences

New Discoveries Seminar
Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Science

Research School for Economic and Social History
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Science

Faculty of Humanities

Migrant Belongings
Research Faculty of Humanities

Books and the History of Public Science - Digital Exhibition
Faculty of Science

Utrecht Forum for Memory Studies
Faculty of Humanities

Creative Urban Methods
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Mensen en machines van de toekomst
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Constructing the Limes

Dit project onderzoekt hoe grenzen functioneren en hoe ze historisch zichtbaar worden als culturele en politieke constructies. De focus ligt op de wijze waarop de Romeinse limes in Nederland werd geconstrueerd en fungeerde, van de Romeinse tijd tot nu.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Drum Languages Project
Research Faculty of Humanities

What's next FSW 2022

Explore your future, Connect with alumni @Social and Behavioural Sciences
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


FIRMBACKBONE is an organically growing longitudinal data-infrastructure with information on Dutch companies for scientific research and education.
Research Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Research Faculty of Science

Morphology Days in the Low Countries 2021
Faculty of Humanities

Climate Backlash: Contentious reactions to policy action (BACKLASH)
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Prince Claus Chair
Information Corporate UU

Peer Relations Pre-Conference 2021
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Planting Pigments
Blog Faculty of Humanities

Market Revolutionaries: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Neoliberalism and the Global South
Faculty of Humanities

NWD 2024
Conference Faculty of Science

Shaping our action space: A situated perspective on self-control
Research Other

PyTom: Python and Tomography
Research | Documentation Faculty of Science

ALGOPOL: Research into Value-Sensitive and Transparent Algorithmization in the Police
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Information Faculty of Science

Utrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future
Research Faculty of Geosciences


SIKS is a self-organized and self-financed network organization in which currently over 500 IKS-researchers cooperate, including nearly 250 PhD-students. Representing the vast majority of IKS researchers in the Netherlands, it provides these researchers with a platform for cooperation, information exchange and dissemination of knowledge.
Information Faculty of Science

MI3 : Media Industries, Infrastructures and Institutions
Faculty of Humanities

2022 ESIL Annual Conference, Utrecht
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Nederlandse protestliedjes
Faculty of Humanities

Teaching Diverse Youth: Culturally Responsive Teaching
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Anders Utrecht
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Faculty of Geosciences

Susanne K. Langer Circle
Faculty of Humanities

Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority (SACRASEC) ERC Consolidator Project
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Women in Numbers Europe 4
Conference Faculty of Science

Blog | Information Faculty of Humanities

Utrecht Seismology
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Corporate UU

The Business Corporation as a Political Actor
Research Faculty of Humanities

Information Other

The XVIIth International Congress of Celtic Studies – Utrecht 2023
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Science to Share

Tomorrow through the eyes of today
Blog Faculty of Science

Student Ethics Review & Registration Site (UU-SER)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Cold War Research Network
Research Faculty of Humanities

Research Other

Microbiome Invasion and Transmission of plasmid-mediated Antimicrobial Resistance (MITAR)

Microbiome Invasion and Transmission of plasmid-mediated Antimicrobial Resistance
Research | Information Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Online Coaching Center
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Corona Governance in Urban Margins
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Collaborative Governance Case Database
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Your Skills
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

PMI – extra
Information Faculty of Science

A-CAPTIC - Alliance of Cold Atmospheric Plasma for the Treatment of Infections and Cancer
Faculty of Science

A multidisciplinary research and education program on human-centered AI by three leading Dutch institutes
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Honours Twitterchecker

Webiste voor het Honours Reseachr Seminar. Groep 01
Information Other

Young adults in times of corona
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy

Website of ECAP10, the 10th congress of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Utrecht University.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Motion Vision Research
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

23 Things for research data management

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Human Data Science (HDS)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Sacrality and the Greek Polis
Faculty of Humanities

Tackling real-world problems through Interdisciplinary Collaboration (TIC)

In de TIC cursus worden studenten en lifelong learners worden uitgedaagd om interdisciplinaire en innovatieve probleemoplossers te worden die bijdragen aan oplossingen voor echte en complexe maatschappelijke problemen.
Information Faculty of Science

Expanse project
Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters
Research Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Galapagos Plastic Free
Research Faculty of Science

Mediasite Support

Lecturenet informatie en documentatie site.
Documentation Corporate UU

Kennispunt Mecenaatstudies

Het is een kennisplatform met een landelijke functie.
Blog | Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

Enzymes Symposium 2021
Conference Faculty of Science

Burgerschap door Lesgeven: Onderzoek in de Klas (BLOK)
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Docentensite Ioniserende Stralen Practicum
Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science

Inspraak FSW
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Music by Oceans
Faculty of Science

Research Faculty of Geosciences

Historicidagen 2022

De Historicidagen 2022 worden van 25 tot en met 27 augustus in Rotterdam gehouden, op initiatief van het KNHG in samenwerking met de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Dit jaar is het thema Grenzeloze Geschiedenis. Drie dagen vol inspirerende lezingen, debatten en workshops over alle mogelijke aspecten van geschiedbeoefening nu, voor alle historici: studenten, docenten, onderzoekers, historici werkzaam in archieven, musea, erfgoed, zzp-ers, kunsthistorici en publiekshistorici.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Jean Monnet Network on enforcement of EU law (EULEN)
Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Piraten en Prinsessen
Faculty of Humanities

Performing Robots

Performing Robots investigates the intersection of theatre/dance/performance (theory and practice) and robotics. The development of social robots presents challenges to their developers that are not only technical but also involve what might be called the dramaturgy and design of the robot as social agent: how do social robots address their human co-performers and afford interaction with them, what scripts do they follow, how to design and choreograph their appearance and movements? How can the knowledge and expertise from theatre/dance/performance be used to analyze and optimize interaction between humans and robots?
Research Faculty of Humanities

Re-imagining education
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


This is the website of the Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics group. Here you can find info on all events, activities, reading groups, lectures, researchers, publications on syntax, semantics, phonology and anything related to the theory of grammar. You can subscribe to this page from the Events tab.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Creaties van de Hemel
Faculty of Humanities

Sustainable Corridors
Conference Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Geosciences

Utrechtse muurformules
Information Faculty of Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Enemy of the Good. Towards a Theory of Moral Progress
Faculty of Humanities


Site in aanbouw
Documentation Corporate UU

Teaching European History in the 21st Century
Information Faculty of Humanities

Eu-SPRI 2022
Conference Faculty of Geosciences

Symposium on Geometry Processing 2020
Conference Faculty of Science

Blog Faculty of Science

Information and Computing Sciences Colloquium
Conference Faculty of Science

Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Refugee Youth in Public Space
Faculty of Geosciences

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

University Pioneers
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

inFRONT: Inside Investment Frontiers of Sustainability Transitions

The ‘Inside the Investment Frontier’ (inFRONT) Project will offer a perspective on investment-induced displacement and resettlement in the global South and will open a new research field of sustainable place-making in relation to displacement and resettlement in Africa.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Consumers on the March, 1960s to 1990s
Faculty of Humanities

Win - Innovation in survey data collection
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Information Faculty of Geosciences

Digital Humanities 2019 Conference papers
Faculty of Humanities

Nationaal Politielab AI - Utrecht

Het Nationaal Politielab Artificial Intelligence (NPAI) is een samenwerking van de Nederlandse politie, de Universiteit Utrecht (UU) en de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). Samen streven we ernaar om state-of-the-art AI technieken te ontwikkelen om de veiligheid van Nederland te verbeteren.
Research Faculty of Science

Information Faculty of Humanities

Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 30
Research Faculty of Humanities

Multilingual Dynamics of Medieval Flanders
Research Faculty of Humanities

Onderwijs Research Dagen 2021
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

NWSV Helix
Faculty of Geosciences

Utrecht University Developmental Assessment Battery (UU-DAB)
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Brunings Lecture

Annual Brunings Lecture on estuaries
Research | Documentation Faculty of Geosciences

Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Talenstudie voor jou
Information Faculty of Humanities

Methodology And Statistics Alumni Society

This page is currently under construction. The Methodology And Statistics Alumni Society (MASAS) foundation aspires to build a community for the (former) students of the master’s programme ‘Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences’.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Het Playful data-driven Active Urban Living (PAUL) project

Welkom op de PAUL website! Op dit moment wordt de website ontwikkeld.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Project Doen
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

CAPABLE - Enhancing Capabilities?

Website of the ERC Consolidator project ‘Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective’ (CAPABLE) under the direction of Mara Yerkes at Utrecht University
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Fylakra-EMMEΦ Nieuws

Fylakra (FYsisch LAboratorium KRAnt) is het personeelsblad rond de Utrechtse Fysica en wordt sinds de oprichting in 1957 regelmatig uitgegeven voor de secties en afdelingen van het departement Natuur- en Sterrenkunde van de Universiteit Utrecht.
Information Faculty of Science

UrbanHIT - Urban Heterogeneity and Infrastructure Transitions
Research Faculty of Geosciences
Faculty of Humanities

Histories of Global Netherlandish Art, 1550-1750

The art of the early modern Netherlands was a global art in various dimensions. Paintings and prints were made for worldwide export; artists depicted foreign rarities; applied arts from Asia were imported on an industrial scale.
Research Faculty of Humanities

GeoMod 2021

The GeoMod conference is a biennial international conference dedicated to the latest results of analogue and numerical modelling in the Geosciences. The main aim of the conference is to discuss and present the latest ideas, methods and results of laboratory, analytical and numerical modeling of geological processes.
Conference Faculty of Geosciences

Natuurkundig Gezelschap Utrecht

Het Natuurkundig Gezelschap is een vereniging die tot doel heeft de belangstelling in de studie der natuurkunde en haar historie te bevorderen.
Information Faculty of Science

LANDac - The Netherlands Land Academy

Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe
Faculty of Humanities

Geo data - support for researchers

This site is a site for the faculty of Geosciences. At this site research types based on privacy, sharing and ethical indicators can be determined and associated measures will be presented.
Research | Information Faculty of Geosciences

Research Faculty of Humanities


The LanguageLink server hosts a number of linguistic databases and resources.
Information Faculty of Humanities

PPE Community: The Extracurricular Programme
Information Other

10YUP: Waar sta jij over 10 jaar?

In 10YUP willen we graag weten welke strategieën je gebruikt om je doelen te behalen. Dit onderzoeken we in een grote groep jong volwassenen (16-25 jaar) die we 10 jaar lang volgen. Op deze manier komen we meer te weten over de invloed van doenvermogen op jouw doelen op de langere termijn en in welke mate doenvermogen kan veranderen over de tijd.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Sweet Crosstalk

Sweet Crosstalk is a multidisciplinary European Training Network (grant agreement No 814102) built to address the challenge of understanding, at a molecular level, how glycans are involved at the human mucosa–microbiota interface, and how this correlates with human well-being. Research into the human microbiome has reshaped the paradigm of our health and disease.
Research Faculty of Science


P-TRAP as a European H2020 project targets both problems and develops new methods and approaches to trap P in drained agricultural areas and in the sediments of eutrophic lakes.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

EQUIMOB: Inclusive Cities through Equitable Access to Urban Mobility
Research Faculty of Geosciences


The research program "LettuceKnow, Science-Based Improvement of Salad" was recently awarded a NWO-TTW Perspective grant (see video below, in Dutch) and will start in 2019 for the duration of 6 years.
Research Faculty of Science

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

TULIPS - The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series

Homepage of The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities

Proof Theory in Logic (1-2 July 2019)

Proof Theory in Logic is a workshop held on July 1-2, 2019 at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Participation is free, but registration is required. Registration is not possible yet.
Research Faculty of Humanities

UMake - Utrecht Centre for Making

UMake is a cooperation of HKU University of the Arts, Utrecht University, and the University Medical Center in Utrecht. UMake is a platform for interdisciplinary research in to processes of making with a shared impact in the arts and in society. It brings together research on processes of making in the arts, humanities, and science to tackle societal challenges in education, healthcare, and public space. In collaboration with educators in art, science and medicine, UMake develops new forms of arts-based learning for the future.
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities

Green Media Studies

Below, we maintain a tentative chronology of academic developments in the area of Green Media/Environmental Media studies.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Softwareproject Informatica
Blog | Information Faculty of Science

Young Women of Geoscience (YWOG)

Young Women of Geoscience (YWOG) aims to create an equal and inclusive working environment for women in the faculty of Geosciences.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Medieval Memoria Online

Welcome to the Medieval Memoria Online (MeMO) database. MeMO provides a database that is accessible free of charge for researchers, students and anyone with a general interest in Dutch cultural heritage. It contains inventories and descriptions of objects and texts that had a function in the commemoration of the dead in the area that is currently the Netherlands, until 1580.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Projecting Knowledge

“Projecting Knowledge” studies the use of the magic lantern in science communication in the Netherlands, 1880-1940, and thereby elucidates the role of this important visual medium in the transmission and dissemination of knowledge.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Handboek farmaceutisch praktijkonderzoek

In dit handboek worden stappen beschreven die belangrijk zijn bij het opzetten en uitvoeren van een farmaceutisch praktijkonderzoek. Dit handboek is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor studenten en onderzoekers die onderzoek doen bij UPPER of gebruik willen maken van faciliteiten van UPPER.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Question Based Analysis

This website reports about the ERC funded research project “Question-based analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries (QuAnGIS)“.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Duaal PhD-IT-Programma

De Universiteit Utrecht wil graag dat haar onderzoek en onderwijs impact heeft op de maatschappij en ziet het dan ook als een prachtige kans om publieke organisaties te ondersteunen bij complexe ICT uitdagingen. Daarom heeft het departement Informatica in samenwerking met Career Services een interactief en betekenisvol PhD-IT-Programma ontwikkeld. Het programma loopt sinds november 2017. Het is de bedoeling dat er elk jaar 10 posities worden gecreëerd en ingevuld. Daarvoor zijn we voortdurend op zoek naar nieuwe samenwerkingen en talentvolle (toekomstige) IT promovendi.
Information Faculty of Science

Natuurkundelessen Ontwerpen

Op deze website staan de afzonderlijke hoofdstukken van het praktijkboek. Daarnaast geeft de website per hoofdstuk de mogelijkheid tot een verdere verbreding, verdieping en onderbouwing door het geven van suggesties voor bronnen voor verdere studie in de vorm van boeken of boekhoofdstukken, websites, artikelen, lesideeën en lesmateriaalvoorbeelden.
Information Faculty of Science


Afgestudeerde onderwijswetenschappers werken in hun baan vaak samen met anderen in projectgroepen, in een positie waarin je in staat bent om bewust een samenwerking vorm te geven en bij te sturen. Tijdens de opleiding oefenen studenten al tijdens groepsopdrachten aan hun samenwerkingsvaardigheden. Om samenwerkingsvaardigheden bewuster te kunnen ontwikkelen, is de onderstaande matrix ontwikkeld voor de opleiding onderwijswetenschappen.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Academic Skills Human Geography and Spatial Planning
Documentation Faculty of Geosciences

PSICOM: Pragmatics and Semantics In Cognitive Modelling

The research program in this project aims at significantly expanding our understanding of the role of memory in interpretation. The project proceeds by combining the state-of-the art analyses of memory retrieval with the most successful and comprehensive theories of discourse semantics. The goal is to use this combination to gain insights into our understanding of cognitive processes underlying a semantico-pragmatic phenomenon, presupposition resolution.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Your Perspective

Your Perspective is a monthly career orientation meeting for students and alumni of the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University. Each month we explore a different workfield or theme that is relevant for students of various disciplines within the humanities.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Reading Zoos in the Age of the Anthropocene

Zoos have always told a particular story about humanity’s relationship to nature. Now, with climate change and mass extinctions looming, that story is changing. This project explores how the stories told at zoos and in literature and film about zoos reflect and shape a new environmental consciousness.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Fly Amazon Fires 2018
Blog Faculty of Science

Welcome to the website of the ITN ECORISK2050 project. ECORISK2050 is a Europe wide project funded by the European Union in the framework of the H2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie Acition – Innovative Training Networks. We will analyse and address risks of chemicals of emerging concern focusing on scenarios up to 2050.
Blog Other

Academic Buddy Programme
Information Faculty of Humanities

Calculus of Variations on Schiermonnikoog 2019

The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts and early career researchers to discuss recent progress on foundations and applications of the modern calculus of variations, and to encourage collaborations.
Conference | Information Faculty of Science

Groeien in persoonlijke omgeving

Groeien in persoonlijke omgeving
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Wiskunde in Teams

Welkom op de nieuwe overkoepelende website van de Wiskunde A-lympiade, Wiskunde B-dag en OnderbouwWiskundeDag. Hier leest u alles over deze evenementen. Kijk vooral eens naar onze nieuwe korte informatievideo!
Information Faculty of Science

BIO Learn&Teach

It is our great pleasure to invite you for our first meeting of the Earli Emerging Field Group ‘The potential of biophysiology for understanding learning and teaching experiences (BioL&T)’. The theme of meeting is: Heart rate, electrodermal activity and stress
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Comprehensive Early Childhood Parenting Questionnaire (CECPAQ)

The Comprehensive Early Childhood Parenting Questionnaire was developed to assess the behavior of parents towards their young child (1-5 years). Parenting is multifaceted task and the way in which parents fulfill this task plays an important role in children’s growth and development, especially in early childhood. Existing parenting questionnaires were mostly restricted, as they only assessed one or two dimensions of parenting behavior, or focused on older children. Developing a single questionnaire that taps into multiple parenting dimensions relevant for early child development allows answering a wide range of questions regarding parenting, such as the specificity of parenting and the existence of parenting profiles.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy

The 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy will be held on 28-29 June, 2019. After successful editions in Utrecht (2015), Paris (2016), Southampton (2016), Lund (2017) and Mannheim (2018), the International Workshop on the Sharing Economy will return to Utrecht for its sixth edition.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

New Materialism
Research Faculty of Humanities

3T onderzoek: Taal, 22q11 en TOS

Het 3T onderzoek is een groot onderzoek van de Universiteit Utrecht en het UMC Utrecht over taal, aandacht en geheugen. We proberen antwoorden te vinden op vragen zoals: wat voor soorten taalproblemen kunnen kinderen hebben? En waarom hebben sommige kinderen problemen met het leren van taal? Op deze website kunt u meer lezen over het onderzoek en de onderzoekers die er werken. Ook kunt u meer informatie vinden over meedoen aan het onderzoek.
Research Faculty of Humanities

26th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2019), 2-5 July

WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Proef module leven lang leren
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Sociolinguistics Circle 2019

The Sociolinguistics Circle consists of a group of sociolinguists representing most – if not all – universities in the Netherlands and Flanders. Its main objective is to organize an annual one-day conference that aims at bringing together students and researchers of language variation, sociolinguistics and social dynamics of language with a connection to the Low Countries.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

IT Academy

De IT Academy biedt IT trainingsaanbod aan voor alle medewerkers van de Universiteit Utrecht, om hen te helpen hun digitale vaardigheden te blijven ontwikkelen, voor hun werkzaamheden nu en in de toekomst. Het aanbod van de IT Academy is beschikbaar voor alle collega's met een UU-overeenkomst, zowel wetenschappelijk als ondersteunend personeel.
Information Corporate UU

Unifying Metaphysical Pluralism

My research project attempts to combine the insights of both camps, while discarding the deficiencies. It embraces the pluralism, yet doesn’t stop with a mere plurality – the evident diversity of things is, after all, still at home within a single reality.
Research Faculty of Humanities

SMALP User Meeting - Friday 26 April 2019

The next annual SMALP user meeting will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands on Friday April 26, 2019. We will discuss the latest developments in polymer chemistry, methods and applications of SMA copolymers in membrane biology, biophysics and structural biology and we will explore new alternatives for SMA.
Conference Faculty of Science

Alles over de plastic soep

Ben jij bezig met je profielwerkstuk of moet je binnenkort een presentatie geven over de plastic soep? Dan ben je hier aan het juiste adres. Deze site vertelt je alles over de plastic soep: van het ontstaan van de soep tot aan oplossingen voor een plasticvrije oceaan.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Climate change presents new challenges to the world, with impacts unequally distributed and affecting most the poorest people living in the world’s most economically and ecologically vulnerable regions.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

UNMAKING: a research programme on the disruption of capitalism in societal transformation to sustainability

The concept of unmaking is originally proposed in this programme to denote multilevel processes to deliberately ‘make space’ (temporally, spatially, materially, and/or symbolically) for radical alternatives that are incompatible with dominant structures.
Research Faculty of Geosciences


FARM-OP staat voor FAlls-Related Medication use in Older Patients. Het doel van het onderzoek is om ouderen met een hoog valrisico op te sporen in de apotheek. Door interventies uit te voeren bij deze patiënten proberen wij vallen onder ouderen te voorkomen.
Research | Information Faculty of Science

FORCE - Forensic Culture in Europe, 1930-2000

The ERC Consolidator project ‘Forensic Culture. A Comparative Analysis of Forensic Practices in Europe, 1930-2000’ is directed by dr. Willemijn Ruberg and investigates the differences between forensic practices in Europe in the period 1930-2000.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies

NISIS is a national research school for the study of Islam and Muslim societies. NISIS functions as a prime hub for interdisciplinary scholarly exchange in the Netherlands, strengthening research and teaching cooperation between academics of different disciplinary backgrounds who study Islam and Muslim societies in all its variety and depth. NISIS reinforces and extends national and international networks of scholars by organising high-quality schools and network days, and thus it contributes to the education of new generations of scholars in the field.
Research Faculty of Humanities

European History Reloaded: Curation and Appropriation of Digital Audiovisual Heritage (CADEAH)

During the past decade, a massive body of audiovisual heritage has become digitally accessible, on websites of archives, through initiatives such as and, and on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. The proposed project is the first to research the online circulation and appropriation of audiovisual heritage using an integrated and interdisciplinary approach.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Historicidagen 2017

De Historicidagen 2017 werden van 24 tot 26 augustus in Utrecht gehouden, op initiatief van KNHG in samenwerking met Universiteit Utrecht. Drie dagen vol inspirerende lezingen, debatten en workshops over alle mogelijke aspecten van geschiedbeoefening nu, voor alle historici: studenten, docenten, onderzoekers, historici werkzaam in archieven, musea, erfgoed, zzp-ers, kunsthistorici en publiekshistorici.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Historicidagen 2019

De Historicidagen 2019 worden van 22 tot en met 24 augustus in Groningen gehouden, op initiatief van KNHG in samenwerking met de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Dit jaar is het thema Inclusieve Geschiedenis. Drie dagen vol inspirerende lezingen, debatten en workshops over alle mogelijke aspecten van geschiedbeoefening nu, voor alle historici: studenten, docenten, onderzoekers, historici werkzaam in archieven, musea, erfgoed, zzp-ers, kunsthistorici en publiekshistorici.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

El Niño Prediction

So far, statistical and dynamical prediction models are able to predict El Niño with reasonable skill up to six months ahead. Because an event always occurs in the northern-hemispheric winter, this six-month barrier is also called the spring-predictability barrier. The new method developed at the Centre for Complex Systems Studies (CCSS) aims to improve the skill of El Niño predictions on lead times from 6 months to 1 year, breaking the spring-predictability barrier.
Research | Documentation Faculty of Science

Erfgoed en Publieksgeschiedenis Lab

Het Erfgoed en Publieksgeschiedenis Lab stimuleert reflectie op de macht van het verleden door onderwijs, onderzoek en de praktijk van erfgoed en publieksgeschiedenis met elkaar te verbinden.
Research Faculty of Humanities

QBio Symposium

On October 25th, 2018, Utrecht University hosted a symposium on the topic of interdisciplinary research between life sciences and natural sciences, often called quantitative biology (QBio).
Conference | Information Faculty of Science

Ethics Review Board of the Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Migrants Negotiating Transnational Identities in Argentina

Conference Faculty of Humanities

ICOJIL - International Conferences on Jewish Italian Literature
Conference Faculty of Humanities


Welcome to the website of the Prompted Rationality consortium. We are a multidisciplinary group of researchers from Utrecht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the Technical University Eindhoven. Our research is geared towards understanding how the concepts of autonomy and empathy can inform public policy arrangements that support people in making choices that balance their personal interest with societal benefit.
Conference | Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Nationaal Platform voor de Talen

Het Nationaal Platform voor de Talen is door de samenwerkende universiteiten en het programmabureau Geesteswetenschappen ingesteld om de belangen van talenstudies te behartigen, samenwerking te initiëren en vernieuwing te stimuleren.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Kurt Lewin Instituut

The Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI) is a centre for graduate training and research focusing on the analysis of the psychological factors contributing to the shaping of social behaviour. The general objective of the KLI is to stimulate and strengthen research in social psychology and its applications. To this end, the KLI offers a 4-year inter-university graduate teaching and training program. Ph.D. students following this program participate in specialist and general courses.
Research | Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Systematic Reviewing 3.0

Systematic Reviews are “top of the bill” in research. The number of systematic reviews published by researchers increases year after year. But performing a sound systematic review is a time-consuming and sometimes boring task. You can make use of tools to work efficiently and of support offered by the library. New developments like text mining, applying R for meta analysis and funding options might improve systematic reviews even more.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Global Hydrology

Achieving sustainable development worldwide remains the biggest political challenge of our time. In 2015, the international community adopted 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ with no less than 169 ‘targets’ as part of a global ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Pharmaceutical Honours Programmes

HPPS (Honours Programme of Pharmaceutical Sciences) and HPIP (Honours Programme Innovation in Pharmacy) are Pharmaceutical Honours Programmes offered by the Faculty of Science. If you are a bachelor student or master student in pharmaceutical sciences, you may want to apply for HPPS or HPIP. The content and educational approach is tailored for excellent students.
Information Faculty of Science


Muziek is niet mogelijk zonder muziekinstrumenten (waartoe we ook de menselijke stem rekenen). Daarom is voor het ‘begrijpen’ van muziek enige kennis van muziekinstrumenten onontbeerlijk. De hoofdstukken op deze website gaan in op de belangrijkste kenmerken van muziekinstrumenten, hoe ze eruit zien, hoe ze geluid produceren, hoe ze worden gebruikt en hoe muziek ervoor wordt genoteerd.
Documentation Faculty of Humanities

De muziekbrieven van Constantijn Huygens

Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) was een veelzijdig man. Het bekendst is hij geworden als dichter, maar daarnaast was hij ook een bekwaam musicus en componist. Zowel zijn poëtische als zijn muzikale liefhebberijen beoefende hij als vrijetijdsbesteding naast een intensieve werkkring als secretaris van drie opeenvolgende Oranje-stadhouders uit de zeventiende eeuw: Frederik Hendrik, Willem II en Willem III.
Information Faculty of Humanities

The Thirty-One Works of Francesco Geminiani

Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) was one of the most imporant composers of instrumental music in the first half of the eighteenth century. He is best known for his sonatas for violin and figured bass and his concertos for string ensembles, but he also composed music for other instrumental combinations and for harpsichord.
Research Faculty of Humanities

The Music Publishing House of Estienne Roger and Michel-Charles Le Cène

Esteinne Roger (c. 1662-1722) was one of the most important music publishers in Europe in the first decades of the eighteenth century. He started the business in 1695, together with Jean-Louis De Lorme. The collaboration ended by the end of 1686. The period from 1697 to 1716 is the time of the greatest expansion of the publishing housed, partly achieved also by the take-over of other businesses.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities


Nootzaken: Basisbegrippen uit de Theorie van de Westerse Muziek
Documentation Faculty of Humanities

Muziek in de Republiek

De files van deze website betreffen de geschiedenis van de muziek in de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden, de staat die bestond van 1572 tot 1795, op global het grondgebied van het huidige Koninkrijk der Nederlanden ofwel: Nederland.
Documentation Faculty of Humanities


We are very grateful to our speakers, who not only come from various areas of expertise in studying, diagnosing and treating disease but also cover the broad range from molecules to large animals such as whales. This will result in a program with fascinating talks and lectures that should offer interesting and new knowledge and insights, hopefully resulting in fruitful discussions and new collaborations.
Conference Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Utrecht University (UU) aims to create a learning environment for all students that will supports their development as optimal as possible (Strategic Plan UU, 2016-2020). THERMOS contributes to this, by offering students more control over their study approach. This will be accomplished by providing information about how they study (study behaviour) and how they experience the learning environment (study experience), and this will be integrated with data about their study progress (OSIRIS).
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

FENIX: Network for Research on Women Exiles & Migrants. Founder and Coordinator: Eugenia Helena Houvenaghel (Utrecht)

Gender, exile and identity from a transatlantic perspective. Cultural flows between Spain and Latin America.
Research Faculty of Humanities


PlusNederlands stimuleert leerlingen – over de volle breedte van vmbo tot vwo – in aansluiting op het schoolvak Nederlands verder de diepte in te gaan en aanvullende vragen te leren stellen over de Nederlandse taal en cultuur. We hebben de ambitie leerlingen te begeleiden in hun zoektocht naar antwoorden en leren ze over hun vondsten te schrijven.
Information Faculty of Humanities

EGRIP expedition 2018 - Thomas Röckmann

On this website you can follow my field trip to Greenland. I will not visit the places that visitors of Greenland usually go to, but stay for about 3 weeks in a camp in the middle of the Greenland ice sheet. I will do this together with an international group of scientists as part of the East GReenland Ice coring Project (EGRIP). The main goal of the EGRIP project is to drill all the way to the bottom and recover the ice for analysis.
Blog Faculty of Science

Pedagogisch practicum
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Machine Learning: Applications

The objective of the SIG ML:A is to bring two groups of researchers together: on the one hand machine learning experts, and, on the other, substantive researchers interested in applying machine learning to answer novel scientific questions in their domain.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Jouw leefomgeving

Het doel van de Jouw Leefomgeving studie is om meer inzicht te krijgen in de relatie tussen leefomgeving en geestelijke gezondheid. Het onderzoek is een vervolg op de nationale ‘Stemming en Leefomgeving’ enquête uitgevoerd door het CBS en de Universiteit Utrecht.
Research | Information Faculty of Geosciences

De Natuurkunde Top 10

Op deze website kan je meer info vinden over die onderwerpen, plus nog wat andere spannende, rare en interessante natuurkunde. Deze onderwerpen vormen de Natuurkunde Top 10! De punten van de Top 10 zijn niet alleen voorbeelden van bijzondere natuurkunde, vaak zijn ze de basis voor dingen die we dagelijks gebruiken of doen. We hopen dat je hierdoor een beter idee krijgt van de vette wetenschap en natuurkunde achter alledaagse apparaten zoals je smartphone!
Information Faculty of Science

The ILS Language & Communication research group

Language & Communication research group, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS), Utrecht University, Netherlands
Research | Blog | Information Faculty of Humanities

Language Acquisition, Processing and Disorders (LAPD)

Producing and understanding language, as well as the ontogenesis of these abilities, are determined by the structure and function of the human brain, the senses and the motor apparatus.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition

The Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition group investigates language acquisition against the background of the formal and functional structure of natural languages.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Language, Logic and Information

The Language, Logic and Information (LLI) group, one of the six research groups within the UiL OTS, studies the representation of information in language, its usage for computational systems, and the application of such systems for linguistic data.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Beyond 'Religion versus Emancipation’

The aim of the project is to study women’s conversion processes, in which gender and sexuality play a formative role and new religious subjectivities are acquired. While it is often assumed that religion and women’s emancipation are fundamentally conflicting, this project challenges that conception, and through a comparative research contributes to academic and public understandings of tensions between religious and secular gender discourses.
Research Faculty of Humanities

BHV Geowetenschappen

Bij een incident (ongevallen, brand of het vrijkomen van gevaarlijke stoffen) treedt de Bedrijfshulpverlening (BHV) op om de nadelige gevolgen zoveel mogelijk te beperken en aanwezige personen zo nodig te evacueren. De BHV-organisatie is werkzaam tot het moment dat de professionele hulpdiensten (brandweer, politie of ambulance) zijn gearriveerd.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys

workshop for the bi-annual workshop on mobile apps and sensors in surveys
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

My main area of research is ‘Land Degradation, Earth Observation and Geoinformation Science’. The research of my group focusses on applied use of earth observation and spatio-dynamic modelling of land degradation processes and ecosystem performance.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

The 7th International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes

After Stockholm, Sweden (GeoProc2003), Nanjing, China (GeoProc2006), Lille, France (GeoProc2008), Perth, Western Australia (GeoProc2011), Utah, United States (GeoProc2015), and Paris, France (GeoProc2017), the 7th GeoProc will take place in the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands, on 3-5 July 2019.
Conference Faculty of Geosciences


Art DATIS (Digital Art Technical sources for the Netherlands: Integration and improvement of sources on glass for a Sustainable future) is a four-year research project (2018-2022) within the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research’s (NWO) Big Data / Digital Humanities program.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Early Years blog

De Early Years Blog wordt ondersteund door het Europese project BECERID en loopt van 2017-2020 (ERASMUS+ KA2). De Universiteit Utrecht is projectleider in Nederland en werkt samen met de CED-Groep en Fontys Hogeschool. Verder doen er verschillende universiteiten en organisaties uit Vlaanderen, Portugal en Polen mee aan het project.
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dramaturgy Database

This Dramaturgy Database reflects our ongoing research of dramaturgy at Utrecht University. The database consists of (full text) interviews with Dutch and Flemish dramaturges, essays and reports on dramaturgy seminars and other documents that show how (Dutch) dramaturgy has developed in the past decennia.
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities

Het UNION netwerk

Het netwerk UNION betreft samenwerkingsinitiatieven vanuit Universiteit Utrecht rondom het bevorderen van inclusief onderwijs en het tegengaan van segregatie, polarisatie en radicalisering in het Utrechtse onderwijs, waarbij met de Utrechtse scholen wordt samengewerkt.
Research | Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Prospectief Onderzoek Maatschappelijke Opvang en Beschermd Wonen

De Universiteit Utrecht nodigt gemeenten uit om mee te doen in onderzoek naar ambulantisering van cliënten in de Maatschappelijke Opvang en Beschermd Wonen. Het onderzoek levert uw gemeente bestuurskundige adviezen en verklaringen op, vanuit verschillende perspectieven, waaronder nadrukkelijk het cliënten perspectief.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Read-it project

READ-IT (Reading Europe Advanced Data Investigation Tool) is a 3-years (2018-2020) transnational, interdisciplinary R&D project funded by the Joint Programming Initiative for Cultural Heritage that will build a unique large-scale, user-friendly, open access, semantically-enriched investigation tool to identify and share groundbreaking evidence about 18th-21st century Cultural Heritage of reading in Europe.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Food-Print Utrecht Region

Samen bouwen aan een duurzame en gezonde voedselomgeving in de regio Utrecht.
Information Faculty of Science


Bij de opleiding Keltisch gebruiken we als definitie van het woord eigenlijk dezelfde definitie zoals die hierboven uit het Van Dale woordenboek. Keltisch is inderdaad een taalfamilie, alleen zijn er wel meer talen in deze familie die nog of weer gesproken worden, namelijk het Bretons, Scots-Gaelic, Iers, Welsh, Cornish en Manx. Aan onze opleiding houden wij ons bezig met onderzoek en onderwijs over, met name, de historische varianten van deze talen en de literatuur die hierin geschreven is. Op deze website vertellen we je daar graag meer over.
Blog Faculty of Humanities

The dynamics of cultural remembrance: an intermedial perspective

Does the medium make the memory? Within the cross-disciplinary field of cultural memory studies this programme focuses on the role played by different media (texts, images, monuments etc) in the evolution and maintenance of ‘memory sites.’
Research Faculty of Humanities

Graduate School of Teaching - Educatieve module

Houd je van je vak en wil je je kennis graag overdragen op leerlingen? Vind je het leuk om met jongeren te werken en wil je ze echt iets meegeven? En heb je (bijna) een relevante vakinhoudelijke bachelor of doctoraal afgerond? Word leraar! Volg de Educatieve Module aan de Graduate School of Teaching van de Universiteit Utrecht. Met de Educatieve Module behaal je een beperkte tweedegraads bevoegdheid, waarmee je mag lesgeven in alle klassen van het vmbo-t en de onderbouw van havo en vwo.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

TCS Kernpakketten kiezerssite (2019-2020)

Site wordt nu geactualiseerd voor 2019-2020
Information Faculty of Humanities

Council of Dutch Research Schools in the Humanities

LOGOS is the platform of all Dutch research schools in the Humanities
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities

Digital Youth

Hoeveel symptomen van sociale mediaverslaving heb jij?
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Medieval Irish Bilingualism

Is modern-day spoken bilingualism any different from historical written bilingualism? Do the same rules and theories apply? When an Irish scribe used Latin and Irish in one sentence, what does this tell us about his proficiency, his education and his audience? In short, what can medieval Irish bilingualism tell us about the society that fostered it?
Research Faculty of Humanities

Project UNION - Utrechts Netwerk voor Inclusie in het ONderwijs

Het project UNION, het Utrechts Netwerk voor Inclusie in het ONderwijs, is een onderzoeksgedreven project waarin wordt gezocht naar oplossingen voor de toenemende polarisatie in het Utrechtse klaslokaal. Dit is geen onderzoek in de klassieke zin, maar een initiatief in de stad Utrecht om tot een netwerk en actieplan te komen: een aanpak van het vraagstuk van radicalisering en polarisatie.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization (ROCKY)

Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization (ROCKY) is an ERC Advanced Grant project that is carried out at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS. This project aims to develop a novel theory on the linguistic ability to conceptualize collections, applied to a wide range of empirical phenomena and interdisciplinary challenges in computational semantics and comparative linguistics, benefiting from the recent synergy between linguistics and the psychology of concepts.
Research Faculty of Humanities


Door middel van deze studie willen wij beter begrijpen waar en wanneer mensen eten kopen of nuttigen. Daarbij zijn wij ook benieuwd welke persoonlijke kenmerken hierin meespelen. Bijvoorbeeld, kopen vrouwen op andere plekken eten en drinken dan mannen?
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Teaching & Learning Lab

In het splinternieuwe UU-Teaching and Learning Lab gaan docenten en onderzoekers aan de slag met het verbeteren van hun onderwijs. Didactische workshops, kennisclips.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Sandro Penna Study Day

Il ruolo centrale di Sandro Penna all’interno del canone novecentesco è indubbio e indiscutibile.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Utrechtse Dag van de Filosofie 2018

Universiteit Utrecht presenteert op 7 april 2019 de tweede Utrechtse Dag van de Filosofie. In het eerste kwartaal van 2019 zal deze site aangevuld worden met informatie over die dag. Tot die tijd is er nog de informatie van de eerste editie te vinden.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

UP Natuurkunde
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

11th EG Workshop 3D Object Retrieval 2018

The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate researchers from different fields such as Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer Interaction who work on or are interested in 3D object retrieval search and exploration, to present state-of-the-art work in the field or learn about it and participate in discussions.
Conference Faculty of Science

Private Property and Political Power

Liberal-democratic societies have traditionally been based on the image of a clear separation between the private and the public sphere. The state is supposed to protect public interests, while private actors have the freedom to pursue their own private interests. The concept of ownership plays a crucial role in this liberal-democratic conception of society.
Research Faculty of Humanities


The simplest way to think about Yoda is: A way to store your research data. Yoda stores all kinds of digital data: not only primary (raw) data or secondary data, but also questionnaires, lab journals, digital sources, observations, photos, scans etc. etc.
Documentation Corporate UU

SKILLNET - Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks

Website of the ERC Consolidator project ‘Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks – The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society’ (SKILLNET) under the direction of Dirk van Miert at Utrecht University
Conference Faculty of Humanities | Other

Urban Matters: Material Engagements with Communities and Borders in Times of Movement

Registration for the conference is now closed. The conference is free of charge for presenters.
Conference Faculty of Geosciences


Cultural history programme of Utrecht University
Information Faculty of Humanities

NEEDS: Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide

Depression is among the leading health burdens worldwide and people affected by depression have a higher suicide risk. Environmental exposures may act as potential stressors or buffers to people’s mental health status. How much the environment (e.g. urban design, green space, social interaction) contributes to depression and suicide risk remains unclear and evidence tends to be limited to the residential environment. NEEDS calls such environmental exposure assessments into question.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Reflections on replication: Psychology's current crisis

Reflections on replication: Psychology's current crisis
Conference Other

Primas Project

Primas promotes inquiry-based learning in mathematics and science at both primary and secondary levels across Europe.
Research Faculty of Science

DEON 2018

The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organization theory and law.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Open Science at Utrecht University

Utrecht University aims to be at the forefront of open science. Therefore the Executive Board has launched the Utrecht University Open Science Programme. A programme that aims to stimulate and facilitate researchers to put open science into practice.
Information Other

Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Vacancies Utrecht University School of Economics

List of vacancies:
Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Transmission in Motion

Transmission in Motion is a hybrid research community that brings researchers from across disciplines together with artists and other partners from outside the academy. Transmission in Motion provides a platform for seminars, meetings and presentations, and mediates the development of partnerships and research projects.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Research Faculty of Humanities

European Plant Science Retreat 2018

We are looking forward to welcome you at the only European conference in Plant Biology organized by and for PhD students. The EPSR is a unique opportunity to discuss science with renowned PIs, network with plant breeding industry, and get to know your fellow PhD students from other countries.
Conference Faculty of Science

Media in Transition (MiT)

The MiT@UU conference brings together eminent scholars and key-players from related organizations and the industry to share perspectives and research results revolving around ongoing transformations affecting the very foundations of traditional media.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Managed deltas are social-ecological systems that provide flood- and food security. However, land subsidence and sea level rise render deltas vulnerable to flooding, the impact of which is exacerbated by population growth and urbanization. These stresses affect institutional requirements for delta systems.
Research Faculty of Geosciences


DeltaMAR is an NWO funded project that sets out to enhance fundamental knowledge on financial, institutional, environmental, technical, and social factors that influence the potential of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) for safe drinking water provision in saline deltas, devoid of an adequate fresh water supply.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Students in Dubai

This research project focuses on the experiences of students and staff at international branch campuses in Dubai. The United Arab Emirates is one of the largest education hubs in the world, hosting over 30 international branch campuses in dedicated free zones, such as Dubai Knowledge Park and Dubai International Academic City. This project aims to broaden our understanding of the aspirations, experiences and migration trajectories of individuals engaged in transnational education.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Logic Group Preprint Series

Welcome to the homepage of the Logic Group Preprint Series. In this series preprints and technical reports of the staff of the logic group of the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University are published. This site serves as a catalog to all preprints published in the series, and provides access to electronic versions of most of the more recent preprints.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Fair Limits (project archive)

Fair Limits focuses on ‘limitarianism’, the view that there should be upper limits to how much each person could have of valuable goods. In this project, we will investigate the plausibility of limitarianism in the area of economic and ecological resources.
Research Faculty of Humanities

The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript

This cross-European research project studied the dynamics of a number of late-medieval Dutch, English, French and German miscellany manuscripts, focusing on the highly mobile short verse narratives they contain.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages

The project-team Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages studies the heritage of ancient citizenship vocabulary in the post-Roman world until the end of the first millennium.
Research Faculty of Humanities


Deze webportal is voor de OKEE-studie. OKEE staat voor Optimaliseren behandeling Kinderen met Eczeem in de Eerstelijn. Het doel van deze studie is om (ouders van) kinderen met eczeem optimaler te begeleiden vanuit de apotheek. Om hierbij te ondersteunen, zijn er verschillende ‘tools’ ontwikkeld, die op deze webportal te vinden zijn. Op deze website staat informatie voor apotheekmedewerkers èn voor ouders van kinderen met eczeem.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics

This is the website of the Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics group. Here you can find info on all events, activities, reading groups, lectures, researchers, publications on syntax, semantics, phonology and anything related to the theory of grammar. You can subscribe to this page from the Events tab.
Research Faculty of Humanities

RRR Network

The RRR Network is an interdisciplinary and international network of researchers, curators, and artists employing performative methods in the humanities and social sciences. The network’s aim is to offer a platform for sustained, interdisciplinary reflections on performative methods, variously known as reconstruction, re-enactment and replication (RRR) practices (also: reproduction, re-working, restoration of behaviour) across the fields of history of science, archaeology, art history, conservation, musicology, media studies, artistic research, anthropology and other disciplines.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Interpersoonlijke Relaties in het Onderwijs
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Langeveld Labs

The Langeveldlab is the place to go to earn course credits (PPU, for psychology students), or just make some easy money. Curious how people interact in groups? How attention guides our behavior? In what ways we are influenced by motivation and emotion? Your participation in our experiments will help us answer these questions, and offer you insight in how we do so.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Foundations 2018

This year Utrecht University has hosted Foundations 2018, a highly interdisciplinary event that brought together philosophers, physicists, mathematicians and historians. This was the 19th in a series that began on a small scale in Portsmouth in 1992, but which has now grown into one of the main conferences in the field, hosted in 2016 by LSE and in 2013 in Munich.
Conference Faculty of Science

MMM - Mediawijs door Media Maken - Media literacy through Making Media

Het project Mediawijs door media maken (MMM) is gehonoreerd binnen de route Veerkrachtige en Zinvolle Samenlevingen van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda. Binnen het project wordt onderzocht hoe migrantenjongeren, vluchtelingen in het bijzonder, getraind kunnen worden in informatieverwerking en mediagebruik om zich snel thuis te voelen en zich voor te bereiden op een toekomst in Nederland.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Defining ‘Europe’ in Medieval European Geographical Discourse

The project will show how the Image of the World, one of the most influential texts in European intellectual history which described the world as it was known (or imagined), contributed to the development of the idea of Europe.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Readable Paris UCU

This interactive map of Paris was created for the UCU course 'Literature and the City' to show where literary quotes are situated.
Information Other

Sustainable Ocean Database
Research Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Veterinary Science Day
Conference | Information Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


This research project provides a critical assessment of collaborations on mixed migration flows between Europe and migrant sending countries. In the context of increasing asylum and migration flows we observe an important policy move towards partnerships between EU countries and sending countries.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Academische vaardigheden kunsthistorici

Hoe ga je aan de slag met kunstgeschiedenis? Een overzicht van de academische vaardigheden die een kunsthistorici moet beheersen.
Documentation Faculty of Humanities

Utrecht Religie Forum

Het Utrecht Religie Forum (URF) voorziet maatschappelijke en culturele kwesties met betrekking tot religie van analyse en reflectie. Op deze blog dragen we als Utrechtse religie- en islamwetenschappers bij aan een beter begrip van de rol van religie in Utrecht, Nederland en de hele wereld.
Blog Faculty of Humanities

Digital Humanities 2019

Hosted by Utrecht University, the 2019 iteration of the Digital Humanities (DH) conference, the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, will take place in the medieval city of Utrecht, one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. The city’s rapid modernization and growth has inspired the conference’s guiding theme, complexity.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Language and education

The Research Group Language and Education (L&E) is one of the six research groups within the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS. L&E investigates first and second language (L1 and L2) teaching and learning and communication processes in educational contexts, where language learning can be fostered pedagogically by effective curricula, tasks, instruction and feedback
Research Faculty of Humanities

Moedertaal in NT2

Als je Nederlands leert als tweede taal, krijg je onderwijs over allerlei moeilijke eigenschappen van het Nederlands: het verschil tussen ‘de’ en ‘het’, bijvoorbeeld, of het gebruik van het woordje ‘er’. Dit zijn aspecten die moeilijk zijn voor íedereen die Nederlands leert, maar afhankelijk van je moedertaal zul je ook nog andere problemen tegenkomen.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference, June 26-July 1, 2018

Utrecht is a lively, historic city. The Sunbelt conference will take place in the most historic location of the city: the Dom Square. And we are confident that Sunbelt at Utrecht will bring together the best network research in the world. So don’t hesitate: join us in June 2018 at Utrecht!
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Faculty of Humanities


The iGEM competition started at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, in 2003. The aim was to encourage young students to try and solve real-world problems using genetically engineered organisms/machines. Now, over ten years later, iGEM has grown into the largest synthetic biology competition in the world and has enthused thousands of students from many different countries and studies with synthetic biology.
Research | Information Faculty of Science

LAS Kiezerssite Archief

Het aanbod aan cursussen:
Information Faculty of Humanities

Silvana Grasso Conference

he Department of Italian Studies at Utrecht University will proudly host on 24 May the international conference dedicated to Silvana Grasso’s œuvre: poetics, literary genres and philology
Conference Faculty of Humanities

De gezonde toer

Eigenlijk wordt gezond eten ons dus best moeilijk gemaakt, terwijl het veel makkelijker kan! In dit onderzoek proberen wij erachter te komen of we mensen kunnen helpen in het maken van gezonde eetkeuzes door gezonde en lekkere snacks aan te bieden: op de gezonde toer dus!
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Neurocognitive Development Lab Utrecht

Neurocognitive Development Lab Utrecht
Research | Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Hosted by the Methodology and Statistics Department at Utrecht University, the Scientific Integrity in Qualitative Research (SCIQUAL) 2017 seminar focuses on the basic rules of good scientific practice and researchers’ commitment to (or lack thereof in) adhering to these rules.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Nationale Rekencoördinator Dag

De Nationale Rekencoördinator Dag is een dag voor rekencoördinatoren en leerkrachten, waar het rekenonderwijs van de basisschool centraal staat. Het is vooral bedoeld voor ‘horizontale professionalisering’ (leerkrachten leren van elkaar), daarnaast worden experts (onderzoekers, adviseurs, uitgevers, etc.) uitgenodigd een steentje bij te dragen.
Information Faculty of Science

Philosophical Skills

Voor je ligt de vaardighedenreader van het departement Filosofie- en Religiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht. Hierin behandelen we de vaardigheden die nodig zijn bij doen van academisch onderzoek, het schrijven van een betoog hierover en het presenteren van je onderzoek. De reader is bedoeld voor beginnende studenten die voor het eerst aan de slag gaan met geesteswetenschapenschappelijk onderzoek en als naslagwerk voor studenten die al verder gevorderd zijn met hun studies.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Icnme Project

Icnme refers to Inquiry-based learning in China and the Netherlands’ Mathematics Education, which is the topic of my research. And I focus on lower- secondary students aged twelve to fifteen.
Research Faculty of Science

Woudschoten Chemie conferentie

De 29e Chemie Conferentie vindt plaats op 1 en 2 november 2019. De werktitel is: “Het periodiek systeem in al haar geuren en kleuren”
Conference Faculty of Science

Digital Turn in Epistemology

We concentrate on the following epistemological questions that obtrude: How to make sense of mathematical knowledge after the turn in epistemology to E3C, given its abstract character? Does the digital turn affect the genesis and essence of mathematical knowledge? When practical knowledge is primary and propositional knowledge is derivative (E3C), how does this ‘derivation’ work in a digital environment?
Information Faculty of Science


The AnnCor project creates a repository with richly annotated text data for the Dutch langauge, together with software to automatically and manually enrich the data with morpho-syntactic, syntactic and discourse properties, as well as advanced software to search in the data and to analyze search results on orthographic, morpho-syntactic, syntactic and discourse properties. The existing treebnak search application GrETEL, developed by KU Leuven, has been taken as a basis but is being extende with new features. The repository will be made fuly compatible with requirements of the CLARIN infrastructure.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Verborgen schilderij

In 1993 ontdekten twee nietsvermoedende studenten een opmerkelijk middeleeuws schilderij dat verborgen ging onder een zestiende-eeuws tekstbord in de Jacobikerk in Utrecht. Het bleek te gaan om een Gregoriusmis, en toen het kunstwerk aan nader onderzoek werd onderworpen bleek al snel dat het niet alleen een zeer bijzonder schilderij was maar ook dat het een belangrijke rol moet hebben gespeeld tijdens de Reformatie in Utrecht. Op deze website kunt u meer lezen over de geschiedenis van het onderzoek.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Religion(s) and Cultural Production(s) of the Italian Diaspora(s)

In the context of Unesco’s World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 2017, the Italian Department at Utrecht University organizes a two-day symposium to explore how religious hierarchies, institutions and practices shaped the identity and the cultural production (language, literature, performance, social media) of past and present Italian diasporas.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT)

Welcome to the homepage of the Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT) cluster. GQT is one of the four national Dutch mathematical research clusters. Initially funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Nijmegen, now GQT also counts with several representatives in Leiden, Groningen, Vrije Universiteit and TU Delft and is funded by the mathematics departments of the Dutch universities. Thematically, GQT is home to research lines with a geometric flavour. This includes Topology, Differential, Symplectic, Algebraic and Noncommutative Geometry, Lie Theory, Representation Theory, Geometric Analysis, Quantum Theory as well as several connections of these areas with other fields. Particularly prominent are the connections to quantum field theory, string theory, and quantization. The cluster supports research at all these areas as well as interdisciplinary activities with physics. We fund national workshops and conferences on those themes and organise yearly the GQT school and colloquium, which has aims of educating PhD students in broad GQT topics, divulging GQT related topics among Dutch mathematicians and strengthening the social bonds of our community.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Medieval Memoria Research

Medieval Memoria Research (MMR) is an international online newsletter that provides information on current developments concerning research into the memoria culture (i.e. the commemoration of the dead) of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, until circa 1600.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Language impairment in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

The project ‘Language impairment in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A comparison with Developmental Language Disorder’ is a joint project between the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (UiL-OTS) of the University of Utrecht (UU) and the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU)
Research Faculty of Humanities

Nationale Natuurkundeolympiade

De stichting heeft tot doel: het organiseren van de jaarlijkse nationale natuurkunde-olympiade in Nederland voor scholieren, alsmede de selectie, uitzending en training van de Nederlandse deelnemers aan de Internationale Natuurkunde Olympiade.
Information Faculty of Science

Handboek Natuurkundedidactiek

Deze bij het Handboek natuurkundedidactiek behorende website geeft de mogelijkheid tot een verdere verbreding, verdieping en onderbouwing door het raad­plegen van lesmateriaalvoorbeelden en oorspronkelijk bronnenmateriaal. De website geeft ook onder­steuning voor lerarenopleiders bij het gebruik van dit handboek in de vorm van mogelijke en naar eigen inzicht aanpasbare cursusactiviteiten.
Documentation Faculty of Science

Cursus Nudging

Heeft u wel eens gehoord van ‘nudging’, maar weet u nog niet precies wat het inhoudt? Bent u benieuwd of en hoe u nudging zou kunnen inzetten in uw eigen professionele context?
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Conference: Religious Minorities' Self-Representations

This conference is hosted by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University. The conference is organized as part of the research project “Muslims Condemning Violent Extremism” (MUSLIM-NLNO), which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, with grant agreement number 703071.
Conference Faculty of Humanities


The I-Lab supports you fully to fulfill rules and regulations with regards to good datamanagement set by the University of Utrecht and Research Funders like NWO and H2020.
Documentation Faculty of Science

NETL 2017 Meeting

From 1-2 June, 2017, Utrecht University hosted the annual gathering of the Network for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in research-intensive universities (NETL).
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Celebrating the richness of ICC

Alumni Interculturele Communicatie
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Freudenthal Group

The Freudenthal Group is a group of researchers that researches and develops mathematics education for early childhood, primary school, special education, and vocational education.
Research | Blog | Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Translational Plant & Microbial Biology

On Tuesday May 9th, Prof. Dr. Guido van den Ackerveken will present his inaugural lecture. The inaugural lecture will take place at the Academie gebouw at 16:15 and is free to attend to anyone who is interested. During the day, a symposium in the theme of his chair 'Translational Plant & Microbial Biology' will be organized.
Conference | Information Faculty of Science

Conference: Dynamics of Religious Diversity

The 2017 edition of the annual conference of the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion (NGG ) will be hosted by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Utrecht University. The event is also a Thematic Seminar of the Netherlands Advanced School for Studies in Theology and Religion (NOSTER).
Research Faculty of Humanities

Gender Identity Registration and Human Rights Effects

Sex is a primary formal and informal organisational principle in most, if not all, societies. Because sex is typically regarded as binary (i.e., male or female), those who do not fit these strict boxes are often excluded or marginalised.
Blog Faculty of Humanities


Microcontact. Language Variation and Change from the Italian heritage perspective is an ERC-funded research project that aims to understand language change from a syntactic microvariational perspective, by observing core syntactic aspects of Romance languages in contact.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Global sports master

The University of Johannesburg, South Africa, University of Tsukuba, Japan and Utrecht University, the Netherlands have decided to set up a highly qualified Global Master’s Programme that prepares administrators and managers for ‘new sport management and governance’ that matches with societal issues and current standards of good governance and organisational integrity.
Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Stichting Fonds Dr. Christine Buisman

De Stichting Fonds Dr. Christine Buisman is opgericht met als doel het bevorderen van de studie in de biologie in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden door toelagen uit te reiken aan bij voorkeur vrouwelijke biologen, al dan niet afgestudeerd, en bij voorkeur van Nederlandse nationaliteit, in het belang van haar onderzoek.
Information Faculty of Science

MEMO2: MEthane goes MObile - MEsurements and MOdelling

MEMO2, a European Training Network (MSCA-ETN) with more than 20 collaborators from 7 countries, will identify and evaluate methane emissions and support mitigation measures by I) developing new and advanced mobile methane measurements tools and networks, II) isotopic source identification, and III) modelling at different scales. The project aims to educate a new generation of “cross–thinking” scientists, which are able to effectively implement novel measurement and modelling tools in an interdisciplinary and intersectoral context.
Research Faculty of Science

Young connected migrants

Jonge verbonden migranten: Een vergelijking van het internetgebruik van jonge asielzoekers en vluchtelingen en expats. Jeugdige asielzoekers, vluchtelingen en expats hebben digitaal contact met hun thuisland en aankomstland. Ik vergelijk ervaringen van deze jongeren in Nederland om te achterhalen of internet gebruik leidt tot segregatie en/of integratie. Het onderzoek omvat interviews, online en offline observaties en analyseert smartphones als een broekzakarchief met betekenisvolle foto’s.
Research Faculty of Humanities

EPS Summer School

We would like to invite you to join the PhD Summer School that has an attractive program with many expert speakers in the field of environmental signaling in plants. In addition to the invited speakers, there are 3 parallel sessions in the program for oral presentations by PhD students that will be selected from submitted abstracts. Moreover, there will be ample opportunity for discussions with speakers and fellow PhD students during breaks/lunch and the poster viewing session. The meeting is especially attractive for PhD students, but the program will also be of interest to post-docs and senior scientists.
Documentation Faculty of Science

CarrièreNacht Geesteswetenschappen

Als geesteswetenschapper leer je allerlei vaardigheden die van belang zijn op de arbeidsmarkt, bijvoorbeeld: hoofd- en bijzaken kunnen onderscheiden, zaken in een bredere context zien, presenteren, analyseren, samenvatten en nuanceren. Je wordt breed opgeleid en kunt later op enorm veel plekken terecht. Maar welke vaardigheden heb jij nu precies in huis, en hoe breng je die straks, óp die arbeidsmarkt, naar buiten?
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Stichting "Johanna Westerdijkfonds"

De stichting is op 27 augustus 1953 opgericht ter ere van Prof.dr. Johanna Westerdijk, destijds directrice van het Phytopathologisch Laboratorium Willie Commelin Scholten en het Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures te Baarn, ter gelegenheid van haar aftreden in 1952 als hoogleraar aan de Universiteiten van Utrecht en Amsterdam.
Information Faculty of Science

Data Quality research group

The survey research methodology group is based at the Department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and was founded by Joop Hox and Edith de Leeuw around 2001. Over the years the research group has conducted studies in a number of different fields of survey methodology. Nonresponse, mixed-mode surveys and the design of web surveys were important topics in the first five years.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Na het daverende succes van het symposium Paard-en-Tijd in 2017, kan een nieuwe editie natuurlijk niet uitblijven! In het najaar van 2019 is het weer tijd voor een nieuwe editie van het UKP-symposium. Ditmaal heeft het symposium als thema Paard & Wetenschap en zal plaatsvinden op 11 en 12 oktober 2019.
Conference | Information Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017

The fourth DHBenelux Conference will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 July 2017. The conference will be hosted by Utrecht University and is open to everyone, including researchers from outside the Benelux.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Scientific Drilling Programs - Netherlands

All parts of the Earth system are linked through flows of mass, energy, and life. Buried beneath the ocean floor and land surface are records of millions of years of Earth's climatic, biological, chemical, and geological history. Scientific ocean and continental drilling allows researchers to access these records and explore, analyze, theorize, and test models that address how our planet works on local-to-global spatial scales and on decadal-to-millennial time scales. National and international large-scale infrastructural drilling facilities advances understanding of the Earth system to predict and cope with some of the most important societal issues facing today and in the future. It also builds intellectual capacity through the promotion of international collaboration, education, and training.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Economic and Social History Blog

This is the blog of the Economic and Social History research group of Utrecht University. We are a group of historians with diverse research interests ranging from societal resistance to financial history, and from company history to the position of women. Together we form the core of the teaching staff for the thematic package of courses Great Societal Challenges and are also involved in the Masters programme Politics and Society.
Research | Blog Faculty of Humanities

Powersaver Game

Powersaver Game is ontworpen om je te helpen beter met energie in je huishouden om te gaan. Je wordt via een app uitgedaagd om in 5 weken minimaal 15% energie te besparen op je huidige energieverbruik. Zonder dat je hiervoor nieuwe apparaten hoeft aan te schaffen of veel comfort moet inleveren. Het is de opsomming van kleine maatregelen en aanpassen van eenvoudige gewoonten die deze grote besparing kunnen bewerkstelligen.
Research | Information Faculty of Science

Complexity Laboratorium Utrecht (CLUe)

The Complexity Lab Utrecht (CLUe) aims to reduce the barriers among scientists by providing easy access to well-tested and well-documented state-of-the-art complexity software.
Conference | Research | Information Faculty of Science

Utrecht University Humanities Graduate Conference

An annual conference for Humanities research-oriented (R)MA students and PhDs both from Utrecht University and other (inter)national institutions.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Young Geoscientists Council

Welcome to the website of the Utrecht Geo Graduates (UGG) PhD council. On this website we inform you about our upcoming events and you can also find information on what we do and who we are, how the Geosciences faculty is organized and many other useful links and resources.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

Creatief denken bij jonge kinderen

Het onderzoek “creatief denken bij jonge kinderen” richt zich op de ontwikkeling van divergent denken bij jonge kinderen, van 4 tot en met 7 jaar oud. Hierbij ligt de focus op het proces waarin kinderen verschillende strategieën hiervoor ontdekken en gaan toepassen. Op deze manier kunnen we meer te weten komen over hoe het creatieve denkproces van kinderen zich ontwikkelt, wat voordelen heeft voor zowel de wetenschap als het onderwijs zelf.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Deze site biedt lesmateriaal, praktijkvoorbeelden en tips om differentiatie mogelijk te maken in 4, 5 en 6 vwo. Je vindt keuzeopdrachten voor de vakken wiskunde, natuurkunde, scheikunde en biologie. Voor elk vak zijn er opdrachten in drie soorten : herhalend, verdiepend en verrijkend.
Information Faculty of Science

Microcosms of the Holocaust

Welcome to the site of the research group Microcosms of the Holocaust. Established in the summer of 2016, at a wonderful workshop held at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (USHMM, Washington), our aim is to push forward microhistorical approaches in the field of Holocaust Studies. This site should be used as a platform to present our work, to exchange useful information and to find partners who share our interest in grassroots research of the Holocaust.
Research Faculty of Humanities

CO.LABORATIONS | Partnerships in Media and Culture

Co.Laborations: partnerships in Media in Culture at Utrecht University
Information Faculty of Humanities

NetherMod 2017 Conference (27-31 Aug. 2017)

Welcome to the XV International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics! The workshop was initiated in 1987 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Germany, and has been followed by meetings every two years in various European countries.
Conference Faculty of Geosciences


Ben je benieuwd op welke locaties poëzie van jouw lievelingsdichter te vinden is? Of zoek je een bepaald gedicht in de openbare ruimte? Op de kaart kan je op de labels klikken om gedichten te bekijken. Ook kan je de database doorzoeken.
Research | Information Faculty of Humanities


YOUth volgt 6.000 baby’s en kinderen uit de provincie Utrecht terwijl ze opgroeien. We onderzoeken hoe hersenen en gedrag zich ontwikkelen. Ons doel? Met wetenschappelijke kennis bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van kinderen.
Research | Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

The Descent of Moral Sentiment

How did we humans get to be moral organisms? It is widely accepted that the human capacity for morality is a product of evolution that develops robustly in living humans. Yet the origins, function, and genealogy of this capacity continue to be subjected to intense debate today. The aim of this three-day symposium is to advance our understanding of the human capacity for morality by considering its ontogeny and evolution.
Conference Faculty of Humanities | Faculty of Science | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Cultural History programme

Cultural history programme of Utrecht University
Information Faculty of Humanities

Experimental Psychology

The goal of the reserach and education within the Experimental Psychology department is to understand, explain, and describe the human cognition on a fundamental, neurobiological, and applied level.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Observatory on Dante Studies

The Observatory on Dante Studies at Utrecht University (ODS) is a research centre engaged to monitor and to interpret the legacy, reception and afterlife of Dante’s works in literary and popular culture in the Netherlands.
Research | Documentation Faculty of Humanities

Lehrkompetenzentwicklung für extensiven Leseunterricht

Many European high school students are reluctant readers with only very basic reading competence. The ERASMUS+ project Developing Teaching Competencies for Extensive Reading Programs (LEELU) addresses this issue.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Oiconomy Pricing

Oiconomy Standard: Standard for the life cycle sustainability assessment of products. The goal of this standard is to provide a normalized way of measuring and communication of (un)sustainability.
Information Faculty of Geosciences

UU blog / Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur

Dit weblog bestaat sinds september 2010. De medewerkers van het departement Nederlandse taal en cultuur van de Universiteit Utrecht vullen dit weblog met berichten over de (Utrechtse) neerlandistiek.
Blog Faculty of Humanities

Philosophy of the Arts

A blog on philosophy of the Arts by Rob van Gerwen
Blog Faculty of Humanities

Humanities Honours Blog

Deze website biedt nieuws en informatie over het Humanities Honours Programme. Deze worden gepost door studenten en docenten verbonden aan het programma.
Blog | Information Faculty of Humanities

Transfer of Prisoners in Europe

International research project to assess if current Union legal instruments based on mutual recognition in criminal matters adequately protect fundamental rights.
Research Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Introductie Geschiedenis

Welkom op de website voor de Introductie Geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Utrecht! Op deze website vind je alle informatie over het programma van het introductiekamp en de facultaire dag.
Information Faculty of Humanities

Science on Stage

Meld u nu aan voor de nationale voorselectie voor het Europese Science on Stage Festival 2019 op donderdag 7 februari 2019 in Utrecht! Biologie-, scheikunde-, natuurkunde-, wiskunde- en informaticadocenten, evenals basisschoolleraren, worden uitgenodigd zich voor 31 januari 2019 bij Science on Stage Nederland aan te melden voor deelname aan de nationale voorselectie.
Conference Faculty of Science


Sinds 1966 organiseert de Werkgroep Natuurkunde Didaktiek (WND) een conferentie voor docenten natuurkunde. Deze conferentie is in de loop van de jaren uitgegroeid tot een groot evenement waar zo'n 600 docenten, didactici en onderwijsontwikkelaars uit Nederland en België elkaar ontmoeten.
Conference Faculty of Science

40 jaar jeugdzorg ASW

Op deze site vind je alle informatie over de alumnibijeenkomst ter gelegenheid van het pensioen van Carol van Nijnatten. Na 40 jaar op de Universiteit Utrecht te hebben gewerkt, wil Carol graag zijn afscheid vieren samen met zijn oud-studenten.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

United Platform for Creativity in Education

Creativity is beneficial for learning and is considered indispensable for the society of today. However, schools still struggle to implement creative practices in their curricula and the creative potential of students remains undervalued. Teachers appear to have limited conceptions of creativity, while exactly teachers should serve as a role model and establish a suitable environment for developing creativity in students. Research on creativity is increasing, but remains scattered across universities and domains. Additionally, the gap between research and practice remains large.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Reconfiguring Diaspora: The Transformation of the Jewish Diaspora in Antiquity

Project website for the NWO-project "Reconfiguring Diaspora: The Transformation of the Jewish Diaspora in Antiquity".
Research Faculty of Humanities


Welcome to the website of the International Symposium on Education in Astronomy and Astrobiology (ISE2A). This international symposium, co-sponsored by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the European Astrobiology Campus (EAC,, is designed to bring education research in astronomy in general, and in astrobiology in particular, to the professional scientific community.
Conference Other

Gezinsrelaties na scheiding

17th International Congress of Christian Archaeology

The International Congress of Christian Archaeology takes place once every five years. From its inception, in 1894, the congress’ primary aim has been to provide archaeologists working on early Christianity and Late Antiquity with a forum to share their latest discoveries and insights and ponder the many challenges and opportunities that beset this particular area of scholarly endeavor and expertise.
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Docentenportal Farmaceutische Wetenschappen

Welkom op de docentenportal van het departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen. Met deze portal kun je informatie vinden die voor docenten relevant is. Ook bevat de portal specifieke informatie over onderwijs bij Farmaceutische Wetenschappen, zoals het curriculum, de onderwijskundige uitgangspunten en activiteiten zoals Docenten voor Docenten en het mentoraat.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Science

Accountable Governance

Accountability is of increasing importance in a public sector in which most tasks are performed by (partially) autonomous organizations. In recent years, more and more resources are invested in accountability. Unfortunately, however, this has not led to noticeable increases in performance. On the contrary, practical experience documents a plethora of accountability-failures. It is often time-consuming and expensive, provokes strategic reactions by managers and professionals, and easily harms their motivation. The key issue is: how can public accountability more effectively influence decisions and practices in public sector organizations?
Research | Documentation | Information Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance

Effectief leesstrategie-onderwijs

De leesvaardigheid van middelbare scholieren laat te wensen over. Voor het vwo is recent een positief effect van observerend leren op lees- en schrijfprestaties aangetoond. Daarbij leren leerlingen door te kijken naar en te reflecteren op de taakuitvoering van anderen, bijvoorbeeld de docent of een medeleerling. Deze didactiek lijkt zeer kansrijk voor leesstrategie-onderwijs.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Corpus annotation

According to CCR, coherence relations connect at least two discourse segments, which are taken to be minimally clauses – the simplest way to operationalize the observation that relations connect ‘idea units’ in discourse.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Netherlands Platform Complex Systems

The Netherlands Platform Complex Systems (NPCS) aims to organise, structure and facilitate research in complex systems, and to promote educational, societal and industrial use of complex systems knowledge.
Research Faculty of Science

What are attitudes?

On this page you can find information and updates regarding my NWO-VENI project “A role for content and mental causation in empirical psychology”, which runs from 2015-2019.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Language structure: variation and change

Variation is a prominent ingredient of language as it presents itself to us. Languages differ from each other in various respects, e.g., in their sentence structure (syntax), word structure (morphology), sound structure (phonology) and vocabulary (lexicon). However the extent and limits of variation are a challenging puzzle.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Functional Pragmatics 2016

he 12th International Conference on Functional Pragmatics was held July 14 – 15, 2016 at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The conference addressed the current debate on the internationalisation of education in an academic context and beyond, and its consequences for language policies in schools and universities. What are opportunities and challenges of various national languages of science and education and multilingualism in the context of scholarly communication (‘Wissenskommunikation’) and linguistic diversity in Europe?
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Responsible Intelligent Systems

As intelligent systems are integrated into our daily life more and more, the division, assignment and checking of responsibilities between human and artificial agents become increasingly important. From robots in medicine, the military and transportation (self-driving cars); to automated trading agents on the financial markets (algotrades); to automated monitoring, prediction and protection systems (pacemakers, automated surveillance, early warning systems); we delegate more and more responsibility to intelligent devices. In doing that, we run the risk of losing track of our indirect legal and moral liabilities.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Apprenticeship in early modern Europe

This workshop aims to initiate a discussion about the commonalities and differences of apprenticeship across Europe and colonial America. To what extent was there a common European form of apprenticeship? How stable was apprenticeship? Where and why did it vary?
Conference Faculty of Humanities

Lerarenopleidingen Science en Wiskunde/Rekenen

ECENT en ELWIeR dragen bij aan de verbetering van de lerarenopleiding in respectievelijk natuurwetenschappen/techniek en wiskunde/rekenen. Daartoe ontwikkelen, bundelen en verspreiden wij vakinhoudelijke en vakdidactische expertise.
Blog | Information Faculty of Science | Other

Het verdriet van België

Een gids voor de Nederlandse lezer van Hugo Claus’ meesterwerk. Elf masterstudenten Letterkunde leiden je rond in de complexe wereld van HET VERDRIET VAN BELGIË. Verdiepende artikels, historische context, stamboom, Prezi, woordenlijst, audio en meer.
Research | Blog | Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

NMR Spectroscopy

The research of the NMR group aims at gaining fundamental insight into biological processes using solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy as the main biophysical experimental techniques in combination with molecular biology and computational structural biology methods. Novel research concepts are being developed and applied to complex biomolecular systems including protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid complexes or membrane proteins.
Research Faculty of Science

Stichting Hans de Bruijn fonds

Het bevorderen van fundamenteel onderzoek en wetenschappelijk onderwijs op het gebied van de stratigrafie, paleontologie en evolutie van gewervelde en ongewervelde dieren, in het bijzonder aan de Universiteit van Utrecht in samenwerking met Nederlandse natuurhistorische musea.
Research Faculty of Geosciences

Simulations & Simulation Games

The Utrecht University Simulations & Games Project brings together teachers, researchers, and games developers to develop simulation games and conduct practice-based research. Our mission is to create and share easy to use tools for the implementation of simulations and serious games in university curricula.
Research Faculty of Science

Consortium on Individual Development

Most children develop well and find their way into society without many problems, but not all children manage to do so. We know that this difference is related to a combination of the child’s disposition and the environment in which he or she is raised. We want to understand the role of brain development herein, how children’s chances for thriving are determined by their (grand) parents, and how we can better guide children’s development.
Information Faculty of Science


Communicate! is a serious game for practicing communication skills. We are developing an online communication skills training for elderly people to prepare themselves for conversations with healthcare professionals, so that they arrive at a consult with a better description of their situation, and trust in the professional.
Information Faculty of Science

The Galen Project

The Galen project, officially known as Human Nature: Medical and Philosophical Perspectives in the Work of Galen of Pergamum, is a NWO-funded research project directed by prof. dr. Teun Tieleman, Professor of Ancient Philosophy and Medicine at Utrecht University.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Wie niet sterk is moet slim zijn

We willen en moeten tegenwoordig van alles: Gezonder eten en minder snoepen, meer aandacht hebben voor anderen en ons niet laten afleiden door berichtjes op onze telefoon, of meer geld sparen terwijl we een gat in onze hand hebben. Goede voornemens, maar doe het maar eens!
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

EDDA Working Group Meetings

The aim of the Working Group Meeting is to bring together researchers working in the field of Experts Data (Dis)Agreement and to share information, learn about new developments and discuss solutions for typical EDDA problems. We will organize such meetings twice a year for all interested researchers (applied researchers, statisticians & methodologists).
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

[urban interfaces] research group at Utrecht University

Media & Culture studies
Conference | Research | Blog | Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

CAT supportsite: Digitaal toetsen met Remindo

Op deze site vind je informatie waarmee je aan de slag kunt met de Remindo software. Ook vind je uitleg over praktische zaken rondom digitale toetsing. We vertellen wat Remindo kan en hoe je het instelt, maar we geven ook tips, aandachtspunten of veelgestelde vragen.
Documentation Corporate UU

Think Big: it's an Honour

This site has been developed by the Honours Community of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Utrecht University. Our aim is to keep you posted on the latest activities and info regarding our Honours Community! Be sure to read the Honours Magazine: Think Big: it’s an Honour. The magazine consists of items regarding social and behavioural sciences, education and mental health care. Both (honours) students and professionals share their interests, opinions and latest experiences within their field.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Together We Search

Welcome to the official page of the ‘Together we (re)search Conference 2019’. This conference gives students the opportunity to explore the research field of social and behavioural sciences through different workshops.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Welcome to the e-Learning Blog of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Utrecht University. This site will contain the stories as told by the e-Learning Team which is housed in the Sjoerd Groenman building at the Uithof. Feel free to enjoy our stories and do contact us if you have any questions or remarks.
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Framework Literary Translation

No one becomes a literary translator overnight, it takes years of schooling and maturation. You have to amass different kinds of knowledge, gain insight, acquaint yourself with methods and techniques, and learn how to apply them. Developing an attitude that enables you to persevere and pursue your ideals is part of the maturation process. Obviously, every career takes a different course – so many translators, so many minds.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Humanities

Ioniserende Stralen Practicum

Het Ioniserende Stralen Practicum biedt HAVO- en VWO-leerlingen de mogelijkheid tot het uitvoeren van experimenten met radioactieve bronnen en röntgentoestellen
Research Faculty of Science

Nieuwe Families in Nederland

NFN is een wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar ouderschap anno nu onder gescheiden en niet-gescheiden gezinnen.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Begeleiding Startende Leraren - Regio Utrecht

De overheid wil voorkomen dat startende leraren voortijdig stoppen en daarnaast bevorderen dat starters zich sneller ontwikkelen als professional. Met het project ‘Begeleiding Startende Leraren’ (BSL) stimuleert en subsidieert de overheid zogeheten inductiearrangementen die drie jaar duren. Waarom investeert de Nederlandse overheid in inductie?
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

What can the humanities contribute to our practical self-understanding?

What can the humanities contribute to our practical self-understanding? is an NWO-funded research project run jointly by Utrecht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University.
Research Faculty of Humanities

Embodied Design

This symposium is aiming to exchange the newest insights on how to make embodied design productive for technology-enhanced learning environments. Speakers discuss what education can learn from embodied cognition research in science and mathematics, kinesiology (bimanual coordination), gesture, ecological dynamics, multimodality as well as multimedia learning.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Exchange ervaringen

Welkom op de blog pagina van het International Office FSW! Lees hier de ervaringen en verhalen van je medestudenten om inspiratie op te doen voor je eigen buitenlandavontuur.
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Exchange Experiences

Welcome to the blog page for exchange students of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences! Here you can find the adventures of students living and studying in Utrecht for one or two semesters.
Blog Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Het programma omvat vier webworkshops, die zijn aangevuld met losse verdiepingsmodules over specifieke onderwerpen over toetsing.
Information Corporate UU

Perpetrator Studies Network

The Perpetrator Studies Network is an international and interdisciplinary network of scholars and educators whose research and teaching centers on perpetrators of genocide, mass killing, and political violence. It provides a forum for scholarly discussions about and innovative research into perpetrators and perpetratorship across historical, geographic, and cultural lines.
Conference | Information Faculty of Humanities

Labyrint Babylab

Hallo, welkom op de website van Labyrint, het babylab van het Langeveld Instituut voor Pedagogiek en Onderwijskunde van de Universiteit Utrecht. In ons lab doen wij momenteel onderzoek naar de vroege ontwikkeling van waarneming en bewegingsmogelijkheden, naar exploratief gedrag en naar de ontwikkeling van cognitieve vaardigheden, zoals de voorlopers van latere rekenvaardigheid.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Vrouwennetwerk Universiteit Utrecht

Het Vrouwennetwerk UU is per 2001 opgeheven. Er bestaan aan de UU nieuwe diversiteitsnetwerken. Check de UU website voor meer info:
Documentation | Information Corporate UU | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences | Other

GEOOO (Geo Onderwijs Ondersteuning)
Research | Blog | Information Faculty of Geosciences

PO en W&T in de regio Utrecht

Leerlingen in het basisonderwijs zijn nieuwsgierig en onderzoekend; net als wetenschappers en technici willen ze de wereld onderzoeken, begrijpen en verbeteren. Door te leren werken en denken op een dergelijke probleemoplossende manier kunnen leerlingen hun talenten ontdekken en verder ontwikkelen.
Information Faculty of Science

Science Honours Academy

The website of the Science Honours Academy, the umbrella organisation for all science honours programmes.
Information Faculty of Science

Helmholtz Institute

The Helmholtz Institute unites scientists whose research is at the intersection of brain and cognition, based on the premise that for many questions about cognition and behavior it is essential to take brain function into account. The Helmholtz Research School provides training and education in the brain and cognition domain. The Helmholtz Institute is based at Utrecht University (UU).
Research | Information Faculty of Science | Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER)
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

VIL online

De Vragenlijst Interpersoonlijk Leraarsgedrag (VIL) wordt wereldwijd gebruikt in het basisonderwijs, het voortgezet en universitair onderwijs; door docenten, managers en schoolleiding. De VIL is ruim 20 jaar geleden ontwikkeld door het voormalige IVLOS (nu Centrum voor Onderwijs en Leren) en een betrouwbare en valide vragenlijst.
Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Circular Data Modelling

To analyse circular data special statistical techniques are required. The toolbox for circular statistics is, however, limited and in fact several research questions of empirical scientists can currently not be analysed. With this project, new tools for circular data will be developed and presented to applied researchers such that they will be able to properly analyze the research questions that they have.
Research | Documentation Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Multilevel Analysis

This is a website for the third edition of Multilevel analysis: Techniques and applications (Joop Hox, Mirjam Moerbeek, M., & Rens van de Schoot, 2017).
Documentation Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dynamic Modeling Lab

The Dynamic Modeling Lab (DML) was founded by Ellen Hamaker to develop and evaluate new statistical tools that allow researchers to investigate such psychological processes as they unfold over time.
Research Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dutch Mplus Users Group

The aim of the Dutch Mplus Users Group is to bring together international users of Mplus and to share information, learn about new developments and discuss solutions for typical Mplus problems.
Conference | Documentation Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Informative Hypotheses

Informative Hypotheses are hypotheses constructed using (in)equality constraints among the parameters of interest. A simple example is three ordered means, Hi: μ1 > μ2 > μ3. Often informative hypotheses paint a more realistic picture of the state of affairs in a population expected by a researcher than the traditional null and alternative hypotheses.
Documentation | Information Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Doel website: de website is voor de Panama conferentie, een jaarlijkse bijeenkomst voor (primair) opleiders, begeleiders en onderzoekers die betrokken zijn bij het vakgebied rekenen-wiskunde in het primair onderwijs en het vakgebied rekenen-wiskunde & didactiek op de pabo.
Conference Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences


Lecturenet informatie en documentatie site.
Documentation Corporate UU

Science & Fiction

Filmtheater Louis Hartlooper Complex en het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht organiseren sinds 2010 ieder jaar een filmreeks met wetenschappelijke explicateurs. Onder de titel Science & Fiction worden op vier avonden vier bijzondere films vertoond.
Blog Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance


‘ADolescent Adherence Patient Tool’. Het doel van het ADAPT onderzoek is om te kijken of een smartphone app jongeren met astma kan ondersteunen bij het goed gebruiken van hun geneesmiddelen en of het kan helpen de controle van luchtwegklachten te verbeteren.
Research Faculty of Science

Status IT services

Dit statusoverzicht toont grote storingen, onderhoudswerkzaamheden en bekende problemen rondom universitaire IT voorzieningen.
Documentation Corporate UU


Hier vind u alle documentatie betreffende de WordPress websites. Er word nog aan de site gewerkt.
Documentation Faculty of Humanities


Caracal is een digitaal evaluatiesysteem voor cursusevaluaties bij de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen.
Documentation Corporate UU | Faculty of Humanities

Sites UU

Een lijst met alle sites webonder het sites.uu domein van de universiteit.
Documentation Corporate UU